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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah - That's actually very correct. You even hardly hear people drag about how good the game is online like when they broke into the gaming world.
  2. You have some control when it comes to getting video games. If I'd have such level of control, it's definitely going to save me a lot of money.
  3. Well, in the end you would have still gotten your refund from the game because it became unplayable, so they had to refund.
  4. I never really got to play GOD HAND yet, I'm not sure if it's something that I would be adding to my already long games backlog.
  5. Yeah - no matter what they (Rockstar) is definitely going to be making a GTA 6. It's only a matter of when.
  6. Yeah - it's something that I have seen in so many movies and I really felt like it's something I'd like to have for myself.
  7. Yeah - it's actually something that's very logical to understand. Once you have penetrated into an opponent's mind, you already know what he's going to do next.
  8. Yeah - I have played it at least twice. It's not a too fast paced sea battle game. The mechanics of its seek and destroy is good just like what happens in the movie The Last Ship 🛳.
  9. Yeah - it's actually what most people do here and it's why here isn't filled with a lot of toxicity. Even if a toxic gamers joins here, he will follow the cue of what goes on here.
  10. Yeah - I believe that it's something that may work to some extent but personally I don't use phones with 4GB RAM.
  11. That's well said because once you look at EA games, you will see Ubisoft's likely hand work too. It's like they are copying themselves.
  12. Seriously - I can even remember my days with playing so much Wining Eleven soccer games but it's hardly anything today.
  13. Exactly - you just hit the nail on the head as it's what's really going on in the world now with adults being kids in the head.
  14. Yeah - it's how things have turned out lately and it's something that is very good if you ask me because it made few people successful back then.
  15. Yeah - it's something that I have done a few times as well and it's really enjoyable any day I do it again.
  16. Yeah - it's actually a misconception on my part because I used to let people in easily thinking they are going to be worth it.
  17. Yeah - it's actually something that is very good. I think that I'm going to copy that your purchase limits as well for myself.
  18. Yeah - As much as it's a video game that isn't familiar to you but once you get some time / hours into it, you will definitely pick up.
  19. You guys have high sense of humor. I'm looking for where to buy some, are you selling some mate? 😩
  20. Yeah - it's exactly how first person player is designed to be felt. For the little time I have given to playing with VR, it was awesome.
  21. Yeah - most open world games are definitely designed that way that it feels like an endless exploration that's thrilling.
  22. I don't really doubt that because there are so many companies out there that require such data in making and marketing their business products and services.
  23. I'm not a fan of contact lens. There was a friend in my neighborhood that went blind for sleeping with his contact lens on.
  24. Heatman


    It also depends on how the security system of the website is set up, there are some websites that VPN can't bypass.
  25. Yeah - it's been something that's been going on for years and it will keep happening as long as they still have access to users data.
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