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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously - till date I'm still very shocked 😲 at what the guy did because at a time I used to believe him to be a friend.
  2. Yeah - it's actually our desires that justify our spending on anything in most cases.
  3. What's the total amount of money that you have spent of the game ever since you started playing it till date?
  4. The gameplay is amazing as well and not just good on the trailer from my experience with playing the game.
  5. Whenever any video games can teach you something that's going to matter more outside the game itself, it's definitely going to matter too much.
  6. Exactly - it's actually far more better to do so in such a way because you know that you are in a community where people came together to talk about games.
  7. They are already doing it and it's what's kept them in the business condition that they are till date.
  8. Yeah - personally I don't really care about game modding on consoles. If it's not on PC, I'm not interested at all.
  9. My point exactly. Seriously, I believe politicians can't be looked up to 100% always because they are very cunning.
  10. Seriously - It's something that should have been in place and some of us knows it but the problem is that some of us too are in bed with these companies.
  11. Haha - this gave gone down well. Maybe he's gotten in contact with the OP to know the sex (male or female).
  12. Exactly - whenever I see their game ads online whenever I'm surfing the internet, I would be like look at these fools.
  13. It's really hard one to swallow for me with what they did with Cyberpunk 2077 because I had so much hope on the game.
  14. Exactly - once there is a strong competition in the market for customers loyalty, the companies involved makes all efforts to gain them and not try trash.
  15. Exactly - the greedy goes all round. When they fail at one strategy, they move to another trick and hope it works.
  16. Exactly - and from the looks of things, it seems like it's working out well for them.
  17. Exactly - I think this justify my misconception of which company made the game because if you look at the game closely, you will see their blueprint all over it which are the same.
  18. When he's already in the mind of his opponent, he already knew what to expect, so he can be relaxed while fighting.
  19. Yeah - their games being a first person shooter games is one of the reasons that I really enjoy playing it.
  20. Yeah - it's actually what some of these gaming companies do with their trailers with misinformation just to sell their games.
  21. Seriously - I have actually been on the receiving end from an adult who should be at least 39 years old that a kid of 15 years behaved better than.
  22. Definitely, it's something that everyone is looking up to to happen and I'm sure that once it gets to that stage, things will be very different.
  23. Yeah - seriously no one likes to watch ads to begin with unless they are necessarily important.
  24. Yeah - I believe that they know very well that most people are very interested in earning cryptocurrencies no matter how small.
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