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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Heatman


    Exactly - it's actually one of the biggest challenges most companies face when they are pushed to make cheap products by cutting down on its quality.
  2. Heatman

    Evoland 2

    Yeah - it's actually that cool as much as it's meant for kids, I do believe that it's something that I can play equally.
  3. Yeah - a mobile device of 4GB RAM will definitely be able to run some good games but it may lag sometimes.
  4. Seriously - It's something that used to cost a fortune years ago but now, you can easily learn it on YouTube watching some videos.
  5. Yeah - it's actually the only way I can justify myself wasting my time on such games watching ads on it.
  6. In most cases, I prefer First person shooting games because of its accuracy in shooting when compared to second person shooting games.
  7. Do you prefer first person shooting games or second person shooting games? What's your reason for choice?
  8. Yeah - it would have been nice but you know Google, they always want to have a track on your activities.
  9. Seriously, it's very excessive, like it's the only thing that they are after and care for. It really frustrating.
  10. That looks like a frozen lake or sea? It's something that you likely see often in Russia.
  11. This is actually something that these fanboys are yet to grasp when it comes to their attitude and behavior towards other gaming platforms that don't play on.
  12. It's actually why it's very obvious that they centered more glorifying the ills in our society more than the good.
  13. If you ever get into playing Dark Souls, you will definitely feel the cold chills of how how difficult it gets playing in that level when you switch from either easy or normal ; with most gamers not being able to complete the game.
  14. Personally, I'm not really a big fan of puzzle games too, it takes a lot grace for me to get into any kind of puzzle games. Did I forget to add Minecraft and Candy Crush too.
  15. It doesn't get past the decorated fanboys who are never open to any other thing but the one's they fan. Irrespective of how good other consoles are, they would definitely be critical of it.
  16. Personally, for such games if I'm less busy and the game is an interesting and thrilling one, I might not stop till I have it completed and would probably replay it again because completing a game doesn't mean it's over between me and the game.
  17. Seriously - With most people that I have seen engaged in playing GTA 5, even with all the noise on how some of its gameplay was represented, all of them still enjoyed every bit of the time spent on the game.
  18. I think that you have it misunderstood in reverse 🔀. It's not gaming location that looks like real life but rather real life location that looks like it's in a game.
  19. Seriously - I'm not really sure if it's something that gaming can do or not do but I have had my fair share of racist abuse from a fellow gamer we played online. Some just used gaming to mask their real identity till they can't anymore and show exactly how intolerant they can be. Below is a chat I had with a supposed friend that we played Top Eleven Football Manager for at least 3 years together in the same association team. I just ignored him and that's the last time I ever spoke to him till date.
  20. Here we go - Mr Popeye . I'm sure you're getting ready to smash up some things. How's ya tiny legs chicken legs girlfriend 🏃 😂 😂
  21. A gaming Jesus Christ as one of our dedicated members! My lord we are going for a Thanksgiving this coming Sunday 😂. You guys are quite hilarious with this already.
  22. I believe so that the game tried very well to paint a real life picture of what happens in the world, in as much as it's very obvious that it looks like it painted more on the negative side of what goes on.
  23. Mont Saint Michel in France looks like a Disney logo.
  24. If I'm being very honest with you, I don't really understand what you mean by Ray tracing. If I could get a video explanation of what you're trying to discuss, it's definitely going to aid me well in picking up with your point.
  25. Heatman

    Hollow Knight

    Yeah - upgrades that are made on side scroller games like this is something that makes it stand out uniquely which makes gamers love it.
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