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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Exactly - it's why I have some games like Skyrim strictly for play on my PC in order to enjoy all the features I can be able to improvise with the game.
  2. Yeah - when a serious matter gets dragged to court, it's never rushed because both parties would definitely not want to give up easily.
  3. Haha, it's actually funny and wired altogether if you would ask me because it's my first time of seeing such gun 😂.
  4. In the end, greed is one big flaw that the business world is suffering from till date, and it's the customers that suffers it.
  5. Exactly - but seriously the New Zealand Shooting was a horrible incident, censoring it was the right thing to do irrespective of what we have seen in the past.
  6. Exactly - I called them spoilt gamers because they don't really care about what their buying decisions does to the rest of us.
  7. Some new gamers are still getting into because of what they heard about the game in the past but once they get to see what goes on the game community, they will understand why a lot are pulling out.
  8. Well, they are paying the heavy price for their actions today, and I'm very sure that it's something that would be very difficult for them to recover their lost status.
  9. Sony's stay on top for a while now haven't been all that smooth sailing satisfaction for the fans, I believe it's high time another takes over.
  10. I'm sure that in the end, they would definitely reach a compromise that would favor both parties.
  11. Exactly - if the company knows how to cook up a good story that would have them fixed in with their powers, it's definitely going to impressive.
  12. Exactly - it's only a few of them especially the one's that are yet to reach the very top that really cares about the customer's satisfaction first to gain their loyalty.
  13. Isn't it the same strategy mostly all companies uses when it comes to exploiting their customers?
  14. Football is something that I live with every day, I have also played myself for a while and it's something that can never leave me - the knowledge per say even when I stopped playing the games for a while, my skills wouldn't wane.
  15. Yeah - it opens up for the opportunity to know the opponent's weakness and directly using it against him.
  16. Yeah - and it's why the file size of games are important for gamers with respect to their consoles memory space.
  17. Yeah - those are pretty good options to choose from the Dirt Series. I have played them and they are interesting and enjoyable.
  18. Yeah - That's correct and the faster you adapt fastens the success rate of your survival in that setting.
  19. Maybe he's mistaken adventure games for horror games. They are definitely not the same thing as far as horror and adventure games goes.
  20. Yeah - And it's quite effective when it's used in the right way presenting a good detail about the game.
  21. Yeah - it's actually the case with EA or Ubisoft products lately and I know that very well which is why I'm advising him against it.
  22. Some people have quite a temperament and you get to see it well when they are agitated and it's probably the case with her for losing with the game.
  23. The gameplay and even graphics looked like The Punisher on SEGA console. It's almost identical from how I remembered it.
  24. Oh really? I was actually thinking that it was EA that had it published, although both companies aren't far from each other in terms of their practices and policies.
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