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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Well, it most certainly would have been a very frustrating thing for her that very day for her to behave in such manner.
  2. Let me shock you, it's also greater than my own salary as well after tax 😂. So, it's not something I'd rush into getting easily.
  3. Yeah - it was never stolen or damaged but taken which I never really had any issues with it because I'm happy they enjoyed playing with it.
  4. As far as games fans are concerned, there will definitely be a percentage of gamers that wouldn't agree with any decisions made by game companies.
  5. Yeah - it's actually a better plan if you look at it very closely. I know of Jumia in Nigeria. I believe they offer good deals, so you should probably check them out.
  6. Yeah - it's actually something that's quite understandable to happen. When you really need the focus and concentration, then getting off the soundtrack wouldn't be that bad.
  7. Seriously, Red Dead Redemption 2 is one hell of a game that I also can't get enough of playing it on my Playstation 4.
  8. Dead Space is actually a very different game genre which is a horror game. But dead cell is something that's completely different.
  9. I think that they actually announced it but most people who are into FIFA games thought it's a joke but it all ended up being a reality.
  10. Yeah - it's actually a market strategy by them if you ask me because if the allow a games to run on any consoles, it would make gamers not have a change of heart in getting a new upgrade.
  11. Exactly - you're absolutely got the point that I was trying to make with that your shoe 👟 illustration.
  12. Exactly - if you are not working with a plan on how to grow the channel to the point where it's required to be for you to be able to have it monetized, it's definitely going to be a wasted effort.
  13. No one is against kids taking and making decisions on gameplay when they are at it but choosing the games they play is something that should be looked into.
  14. You're very welcome mate. It's nothing compared to the time you took out to teach most of us here with myself included on how to go about defragmentation.
  15. Just don't be in a rush in making any deals that is concerned with exchange of your console. Make sure you explore all the options before making a decision.
  16. Thanks mate for sharing something that did more than it looked to have done. A good thing of humor is necessary once in a while.
  17. Yeah - the company knew right away to fix the situation because it's something that would have marred a very beautiful game if they didn't.
  18. Music is something that comes naturally if you ask me as long as you're open to it. I really used to hate music myself till I opened up for it and I started enjoying it.
  19. If Deus Ex is to be considered as a game series which I think that it is, then it's among my favorite game series.
  20. I'm not really sure if you know which one is cricket 🏏 game from what you pointed out here.
  21. Seriously - if you ask me, it's actually a very good fighting strategy getting into the head of your opponent, it's already there for you to use it against him.
  22. There is friend of mine who's strictly for playing only downloaded games. There is nothing that would make him get any games on CD.
  23. Exactly - games like Assassin's Creed still feels like a new game whenever I get into any series of it. It's an awesome game from EA.
  24. Yeah - It's an awesome game. I have so loved playing it just like I do with my playing Need for Speed as well.
  25. Yeah - That's very possible but you would definitely be the one chasing the game from that point.
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