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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. For the fact that Assassin's Creed Valhalla is a stealth game, it's something that I really crave to get into because it's thrilling taking out an opponent when he never expects it.
  2. You can get into Dirt Rally 2. 0 since you are looking at taking on a new racing game.
  3. There are some that doesn't come with a CD rom input, so you will definitely have to download your games.
  4. Resident Evil, The Walking Dead, Alien Isolation, Until Dawn, Dead Space, Evil Within and Soma are top of my list on horror games.
  5. It's actually how thrilling survival games are that makes most games get too hooked up and addicted to playing it because life is all about survival.
  6. To some extent, I believe that Spec Ops : The Line offered a great deal of depth in lighting if you observed it closely.
  7. Yeah - it's actually what happens when you get even more than one trailer to a particular game but would eventually have the official release.
  8. Yeah - you should do that and you should very well know that nothing good comes easy, so you must be put in more efforts to be good at it.
  9. I actually believe that it depends on the kind of game that you are playing. Some games never get old when they are that good.
  10. Exactly - it actually gets worse when they eventually get to lose when they are too proud that they wouldn't lose but win, it breeds a shit storm.
  11. I seriously think that it's part of the reason why most people and even some medical experts have good regards for the game because of its influence towards mental health.
  12. A friend of mine actually mentioned something about getting it on pre-order but I have been advising him not to and be patient.
  13. Yeah - You're actually very correct about mobile games being gigantic money pits just like all the microtransaction we have in console and PC games.
  14. And sadly enough, these scalpers are really conducting good business on daily basis without any kind of checks.
  15. Once a biker falls, it's over for him in catching up with the race irrespective of the helmet ⛑ being 100% upgraded or not.
  16. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
  17. Yeah - The kind of graphics that we had that time was well appreciated because there was nothing good more than it was at the time.
  18. It's actually what I experienced with playing Dream League as it never really registered for me to take deep interest into it.
  19. Killzone : Mercenary is among my favorite PS Vita games back then, it's really a shame it's no longer up and running now.
  20. Yeah - PS5 isn't a console that you can see people purchasing regularly because it's robust and incredibly expensive.
  21. It wasn't theft actually but my cousin took it after informing me. Got a second one and my brother took it and I decided to move up to PS4 and sealed them off from taking it. I wouldn't even be open to letting go of it even when I get PS5.
  22. Actually, I think that they are making decent profit from it because it's not the first time that they have taken such path.
  23. Personally, I'm the Android type of person when it comes to phone 📱 preferences. It's what I have been making use of all my life.
  24. Yeah - There is no doubt that the operating system of iPad is better than that of Android. It's updates are far more better in terms of security and everything.
  25. How true is the urban legend of the Lavender Town soundtrack making kids to commit suicide? I'm not sure if there are proof to back it up.
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