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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah - most gamers who don't have excess money to put in their gaming budgets work with a narrow spending budget in order to meet up their gaming needs.
  2. Yeah - the trailers gives you an insight to what you are most likely to expect in the game before getting the game.
  3. Yeah - it was actually something that was very peculiar with the game Wolfenstein : New Order. I actually like it to be very honest with you.
  4. If you keep playing and practicing, you're definitely going to be very good at it in no distant time in the future.
  5. Kids don't have much expectations from games, it's actually why we really enjoyed everything we had back then.
  6. Yeah - when the conversation goes on for a very long time, both parties might get to a point where they would have a misunderstanding and if they aren't mature to handle it well, it's not going to end well.
  7. Yeah - the better the console, the better the gaming experience. It's actually why most people are upgrading to PS5.
  8. Alright - I was thinking it's necessary to make the point because no matter how you upgraded the helmet ⛑, once the player falls off the bike, the damage is done already.
  9. Heatman

    PS5 info

    Yeah - it's basically as it should be because once the fun is still there, it's worth every play of it.
  10. Yeah - it's actually what I'm doing now. I told my friend that I'm not going to break the bank 🏦 for getting PS5 just yet.
  11. Yeah - That's absolutely true that a lot of people are now into it which makes it something that's very common now. Although, it's not really a bad thing in my opinion.
  12. Yeah, it's actually true what you mentioned about how games are file size are blown too big lately but it's all because of all the upgrades in what's available in the game. Incredible features and graphics would definitely ask for more file size.
  13. It's definitely an interesting game looking at the game's graphics and mechanics used it.
  14. Exactly - and if you look at what's obtainable in those gaming systems and what we have now, the difference is crystal clear.
  15. Yeah - when it comes to upgrades, it's definitely not going to be cool to have everything upgraded at once, it's definitely going to make the game to be way too easy and boring.
  16. If you say that it's not worth getting for playing on Playstation 4, then it's better to stick with the usual that's set out as good games for racing on PS4.
  17. To some extent yes, it's supposed to work that way but it's definitely not going to be with all games on the PS1/PS2 and PS3.
  18. As far as they are not too rushed in trying to get it fully into all games, they are definitely going to come up something that will be greatly appreciated.
  19. I saw an update on YouTube by IGN on new Contra coming back. I really enjoyed playing it back it, maybe this one is still going to be worth it.
  20. Seriously, the game industry that makes games with its soundtracks aren't stupid to do so because they're well aware of the importance of music in games as it adds more life into it.
  21. Yeah - Old GT games is a very good example of such games. Even till date, they still offer a good sense of gaming satisfaction.
  22. Yeah - it's actually a very simple fun game to play. I have been making use of it some years back when I feel like trying out something simple.
  23. If it's something that can be very useful for those playing GTA 5, it's definitely going to very important to them.
  24. Exactly - it's a win-win situation for the gamer. You're catching fun and still making money in the process.
  25. Yeah - it's actually why I'm not really too freak about getting Playstation 5. If I'm getting it, I'm definitely not going to putting too much pressure on myself.
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