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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. In my opinion, a game with 70% rating isn't a bad one, in fact it's good from all angles. It's when you get the ratings at below 50%, then it's crap.
  2. If you give them the kind of attention you give your FIFA games, I'm very sure that you will finish them.
  3. Yeah - it's something that could really happen back then in the same situation but not anymore today.
  4. For most gamers, it's actually the same thing with them and games they are really into. There are some who's invested over 1000 hours in games.
  5. Actually, the helmet ⛑ and color isn't the best thing to upgrade if you want to have added advantage over your opponents.
  6. Yeah - it's actually a fact that you are going to lose if you're going to and in most cases, I believe that penalties is a game of luck.
  7. Yeah - and if you look at it closely, they can maximize their customers playing sessions by adjusting the timing of each match.
  8. Haha - and if it doesn't go well, they should be ready to face the backlash of the fans.
  9. It's actually going to be almost the same as playing with other smartphone 📱. It's just the size of it that would be different.
  10. Yeah - I think it's either in a game or a movie where I heard the quote "You get stronger when you're protecting the one's that you love"
  11. Thanks for the update mate because I was really confused about the game. I intended to research into it but never got the chance to.
  12. Yeah - at worst the keys will get stiff and be hard to press again which might eventually have it damaged.
  13. I'm not really sure if they can work as they are not for the same consoles. In fact, they aren't supposed to work.
  14. Seriously - there are some people who really have money to throw around in a way that it gets annoying if you ask me. $5000 for what!!!!!? 🙄
  15. It's not surprising to me at all because I know a few people who are actually the same way as well. If it's not soccer or football, count them out.
  16. There are some people who experience such as well, even in movies they watch too. Once the lead protagonist suffers a lot, they start crying 😢.
  17. Heatman


    Yeah - it's actually same thing for most people who are not making use of VPN often. Unless it's a most they need it, they will get it.
  18. Yeah - it's actually what my friend Joe makes us of and it's something that's very satisfying for him.
  19. Yeah - it's definitely going to be what would make gamers pick interest in playing the game in the next gen console like PS5.
  20. Yeah - it was really a frustrating wait on the release for those following the game. Imagine having to wait for the game only to have it pushed further away and when it came out finally, it wasn't fully playable.
  21. It's actually why the standard of videos that you see on YouTube is always very useful. They strive for the best.
  22. Yeah - they did an impressive job with it. You don't get to see something that good produced often lately.
  23. Alright my friend, try as much as possible to stay safe because it's what's most important. It's really a shame that you lost your Dad to the virus, thousands of people lost their loved one's already.
  24. "Gaming is for kids" response is something that never ends well with me. It feels like an insult but then again I would blame myself for even talking to the person in the first place.
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