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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Exactly - if you know that you would never contribute to the discussion, why let it go on for too long only to have me suffering from excessive talks that aren't necessary for you.
  2. Alright - that's a good strategy that you are making use of in order to preserve your life because death doesn't give a second chance at all. At least, you have all manner of games to keep you busy indoors.
  3. He's my friend, we meet online. So, it's not really considered that much of a close friendship. Ps. They never stopped any microtransactions, rather I meant they would never stop it because it's what the guy always spends the €3,600 every year on the game.
  4. Yeah - at a point, I was like if he wasn't following me in the conversation, he should have stopped and not allow me waste all my energy and saliva for getting just okay.
  5. Exactly - I know at least 5 people who died from the virus, so it's very real even with the vaccines available, it still kills.
  6. Yep - it was so detailed that you don't need to query it too much. It's just like New York City with The Spiderman.
  7. Exactly - he just laughed over it like it didn't mean anything at all to him. Ever since that day, I knew why game companies would never drop microtransactions in their games.
  8. I'm very sure that in the end, gamers will definitely do what they feel like doing irrespective of what bans the government impose on it.
  9. Seriously - It's something that have actually happened to me in the past. I actually talked out of experience which I really felt like punching the guy that very day with his okay response.
  10. Prevention is better than cure is the word for me. In as much as there is a vaccine now, it's better not to have yourself exposed if you can help it.
  11. Seriously - it shocked me the day he showed us his PayPal billings of his spending on the game. I was like dude, please let me have just €500 to get PS5 ASAP.
  12. Seriously - when no one really cares about those rating rules, even parents that are supposed to do their part, don't care any more, is there really any hope?
  13. Exactly - imagine all the talk and the only response you'd get is okay. Damn, it's going to annoy me like hell.
  14. That's me climbing out 😂!!!
  15. Of course yes, you don't need to tell me about you loving a game that you have already invested 500+ hours into. If it's not love for it, I don't know what else.
  16. Yeah - it's actually what I was thinking that would be the main reason for you being in doors with Covid19 still ravaging.
  17. Exactly - Sheik a Russian guy I meet online spends at least a minimum of €3,600 on Top Eleven Football Manager game every year.
  18. Yeah - it's actually something that's being a very big challenge with how these kind of gaming contents needs to be managed.
  19. Most racing games back then are quite very easy to get into. It's how I felt playing Driver then.
  20. Exactly - There was something very peculiar with the game Assassin's Creed Syndicate when I was looking for its resemblances with London in the modern day.
  21. It gets a little bit boring when you talk to someone who's not into games about video games. It's definitely going to horrible doing that.
  22. For FIFA games series, I missed a couple of them but the FIFA 15 is my favorite among all they made so far till date.
  23. With the pace of your playing, you will definitely have it completed in no distant time depending on the stage you're at right now.
  24. It's alright. I know a guy in the community that doesn't want to have any spoilers on Skyrim till he's ready to play himself. I hope all is well with you for being all in doors?
  25. Exactly - it's actually why when you get to be reminded of some that skipped your mind, it brings back all the memories at once like you just played it all over again immediately.
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