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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Isn't it the same thing that most gaming companies are doing lately with copying old games codes and turning it into something new.
  2. In the end, we are all after making money and money can almost buy everything that would give us happiness which is why I wouldn't blink to give up gaming for huge amount of money.
  3. You're very correct with your assessment on how to get into mods making. There was a platform I used to be on that teaches how to do it.
  4. Yeah - criminal case was really captivating for my sister back then playing on Android. I did played it a few times but moved on.
  5. Something like Viking City Builder is one game that can fit in well in such situations.
  6. Games like Call of Duty series helps to explain what happens in the war fronts that we aren't there but can relive it in video games.
  7. Video games are external source of happiness for me the same way watching football live in a stadium 🏟 is for me. I can't do without both of them.
  8. It's actually something that I can't easily get into playing right if it's still playable as a result for more interesting games I have on my backlog.
  9. Seriously, it's very challenging for most people who were addicted to playing the game back then. A friend of mine lost his job as a result of his addiction to playing World of Warcraft Shadowlands.
  10. Yeah - I actually know at least 5 people who already purchased their Playstation 5 and it's not from pre-order.
  11. To some extent, I don't really judge a game from its trailer because there are some games that are made bad in trailer but very good in gameplay.
  12. Seriously - I can very much agree with you on this about how toxic the world is generally. I can remember one time at my previous workplace, there was a back stabbing meeting to get the manager sacked from his post and when I got to whiff of it, I had to inform him immediately. Some people are really wicked and toxic towards their fellow human beings.
  13. With the way I'm getting into playing Ghost of Tsushima and God of War lately, it seems like I wouldn't move on from it easily.
  14. When an upgrade is worth it, then it's very important that I get it because it solves most of the problems like glitches and bugs in the older version.
  15. Recently, I'm drawing too close to playing Ghost of Tsushima and God of War more often and I'm really enjoying them both.
  16. With the level of my commitment to playing Ghost of Tsushima and God of War, it's something that is going to be on my playlist for a long time.
  17. Seriously - as long as Rockstar didn't give any kind of update on the release date of GTA 6, we ain't seeing anything.
  18. With how the level of toxicity in Fortnite gaming community is positioned, I don't really care much about what Google and Apple does about the game.
  19. Most times what causes this issue to charger malformation is when you allow the cord to tangle too much. It damages it right from the inside.
  20. Psychonauts? This is my very first time of hearing about this game. What's the gameplay is like?
  21. With FIFA 22 set to be released on October 1, 2021, most gamers who are a fan of FIFA series are focused on the new release.
  22. It's actually so frustrating for most Sony games fan to the extent that they all feel neglected by the company in giving them something to enjoy.
  23. Yeah - it's actually what pisses me off in soccer games. I can remember when I lost on penalties one time and it sucked like hell for me.
  24. Yeah - once he's well committed to the work, there is always a possibility that he's going to become very good at it.
  25. There is a way that I really enjoy listening to Evil Within Soundtrack. Even with all the creepiness, I still love it.
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