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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. With the way the God of War franchise have been selling over the years on PS4, shows no doubt it's the best of the best games in PS4 generation games.
  2. Yeah - probably it's going to happen some time, that I can promise you, so be rest assured it's going to happen.
  3. YouTube have a strict policy to what they allow to be viewed withpu restrictions because they are well aware that kids have access to their site.
  4. If you are fan of Rocket League, it's actually available on Nintendo Switch.
  5. Exactly - And in having that readily made available makes it very easy to grasp the game and play well.
  6. Seriously, you don't know how to mince words 😂. If he's working for EA, it's definitely going to be on huge payroll for defending them at any cost.
  7. In summary, loot boxes are microtransactions where the main reason why it's set up is for you to pay to play and win.
  8. Greed is seriously the order of the day with what's happening in the game world. It's something that we can't help lately.
  9. It's exactly how it's done in survival games. You know that your being alive in the game totally depends on how you work for it.
  10. Exactly - it's actually why Dante isn't a character to take lightly when it comes to the kind of damage he can inflict.
  11. Exactly - it would definitely come to a point where you have to accept the fact that all that's available for you is to fight to the death.
  12. Heatman

    Until Dawn

    Probably, it's going to happen in such a way when it's looked upon as an experiment.
  13. Exactly - you can't keep running all the time, so you have to at a point make a last stand.
  14. Yeah - it's been a shit storm over the last few years especially with the use of drugs and all sorts of gang related activities.
  15. Most of my friends at work are more into playing with their smartphone at work when they are free because it's more convenient.
  16. I believe that's basically how it's done by most people who are looking at increasing their space when they run out of memory.
  17. My brother's charger should be at least 3 from the last time I recalled going to his house. He's even talking about getting another one.
  18. I have been making use of by Playstation 4 for a long time now, and I'm still very in love with it. Although I will be changing it soon with PS5.
  19. For the past 5 years and still counting now, The Witcher has been my favorite. I can't seem to replace it at the top but I'm leaning towards Ghost of Tsushima recently.
  20. I don't really have anything against the game but honestly it kind of looks like it's going to be boring for me being in a narrative mode.
  21. At first, I didn't really understood what was going on in the game ; whether the gun is shooting or sucking up items. I think it's got too much color mix up in it.
  22. I have about 5 good gaming buddies that really hate playing online games as a result of this situation of toxicity with gamers but I'm going to recommend Epal.gg to them.
  23. There's this movie called Teen Wolf 🐺, I really enjoyed that movie. I'm not sure if it's available in video games ; I would really like it if it's made into video games.
  24. Seriously, I really need to get back into playing Uncharted once again. I have been procrastinating for a while now with the game and I don't know why.
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