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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah - it's $39.99 on steam right. Here's the direct link to the game on steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/292030/The_Witcher_3_Wild_Hunt/
  2. I'm seriously thinking about getting into playing The Evil Within 2 - an interesting and intense survival horror game.
  3. When it comes to survival horror games, Outlast is very good but personally it's Alien: Isolation for me. It offers me the best thrilling feeling of trying to survive.
  4. I'm not really sure but there is something ominous about this soundtrack. How's the game from your playing it?
  5. People will definitely disagree with you no matter how objective you seem to appear. Off topic - I can remember one of my reviews about how boring it is watching Steven Segal movies with him being almost invincible to all his opponents. You can barely touch him or have him scratched unlike when you watch actors like Silvester Stallone ( John Rambo). There was a man that had the opinion that simply because Steven is the protagonist, he's not supposed to be touched in fight.
  6. The point of the matter is that it's definitely available at a certain platform. It's the cost that needs to be considered because of it being rare.
  7. Not being a fan of Minecraft game, it would even bore me to death watching the video as it's not something that interests me. I'm glad the video link is already removed if you ask me.
  8. Below are my favorites so far ; Deus Ex Elder Scrolls Need For Speed Gran Turismo Resident Evil Final Fantasy
  9. Why movies don't really have much impressions like games do is that in movies, you just sit and watch, while in games you directly get involved in what happens.
  10. Seriously - it gets really frustrating sometimes when you have it already in your mind that nothing you do would be enough for all.
  11. An atheist wouldn't be open to playing such games since it's linked to religion.
  12. Yeah - Arkham Knight happens to be my brother's favorite game of all time and you can very well understand the reason why it's like that because of how the game was made.
  13. Currently, I'm playing with my Playstation 4. Although I have played it on PC as well.
  14. Yeah - I think it's actually how it's going to be with such big sword. It may be with a mechanic that shoots up the sword like how it does in autobots.
  15. Yeah - it's something that is very important to be handled with all efforts to root out racism but it's eaten deep in the world that it's going to be very hard to get rid of it.
  16. Seriously - that would be something that's going to be very interesting to have set up in such games.
  17. You can go all out and fight to the death, you may be lucky and become victorious.
  18. Yeah - it's definitely something that wouldn't be ending anytime soon. We are already used to it now.
  19. Once the reviews are done in the right direction, it's definitely going to be very useful to those that are making use of it.
  20. Yeah - kids are fragile to begin with when it comes not getting strapped with VR play. I'm sure it's why they have to make those arrangements.
  21. Yeah - That's right for sure but we aren't going to stop simply because our efforts isn't enough yet.
  22. Well - that may be the case too and I'm not sure if it's a good idea.
  23. Seriously - no knowledge is a waste, so the more you get, the more you store up something that would be very beneficial to you in the future.
  24. Seriously, with what's taken place in China Town in the past and even till date, LA isn't a place for the fainted heart.
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