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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. One of the developments that's been a serious issue in the gaming industry is having to deal with a toxic community which we have had so much for so long now. Take a look at how toxic Fortnite community is which most people tend to walk away from as it's not a healthy community in terms of having your peace of mind. So, with all that being said, this community Epal ; if it offers what they quote to offer, it's definitely going to run over with lots of gamers looking for where they would have peace of mind and feel at home. Ps. Epal coming with an app of their own, is one sure way to making it very easy and user friendly to access the site/community.
  2. I just completed a friendly match with a friend of mine we played online and had him beaten 1-5.
  3. There is absolutely nothing wrong with loving what you do when it comes to video games of your preference. We all have our favorite games.
  4. I was going to ignore you but on a second thought I felt insulted... So I'm not going to let it slide without kicking it in to you. For starters, I didn't read what you post and secondly, I didn't quote your post ; maybe you were blind to that, I'm not sure. I made my point on what I don't like and it's not in any way in connection to what you talked about, so better mind how to bump into me next time.
  5. It actually goes both ways. There are some games that were copied from movies and movies that were copied from games.
  6. I'm sure that you have already explored the demo already. How do you see it?
  7. Happy hunting mate and do enjoy your play session with GTA 5. I'm sure you will enjoy it all over again.
  8. The zombie aren't even acting or behaving like they are hungry for brains with how sluggish they walked towards a prospective food.
  9. Now, the picture of the dragon lord Onaga will tell you exactly what I picture as being horror.
  10. Yeah - it's actually what a lot of FIFA games genre fans are looking up to as soon as possible.
  11. Well, depending on your age, and if you really love being to become a professional footballer, it's something that you can still get into.
  12. You're can be well guaranteed that it's a very good game that you are definitely going to enjoy. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the game after playing.
  13. Unbelievable!! A very huge magical sword that can expand and contract to fit into any small bag 😂.
  14. I'm not surprised seeing we have both racist and hypocrites amongst us in the gaming community, it's something that's rooted deep in almost everything today, even sports and it's very hard to eliminate it.
  15. I'm not really much of a casino games fans. I can't even remember the last time I had played any. It's more like what I feel with most puzzle games.
  16. Seriously - It's actually why I still feel pained with their pulling the plug on FIFA 15 which was something far more promising and unique compared to what they give us recently.
  17. I think that you have a very good point here because as much as things goes in gaming, it's the players choices that determine what the characters do in gameplay.
  18. Horror games genres have been in existence for as long as anyone could imagine. When I came across the game 16 years ago if my memory serves me correctly, my friend then were doubtful if it's going to be an interesting game and it was.
  19. Definitely there are side quests that's a total waste of time and which really won't add any useful achievements for you. They are best skipped.
  20. One thing that I have really come to understand about video games is that there will always be those who hate a particular game while it's loved by others.
  21. Seriously - I don't really know how we could get this accomplished because we aren't functioning like we all have the same interests to protect.
  22. I think it's something to do with me actually sucking at shooting bow and arrow in real life that's making me not pick it up easily in the game Ghost of Tsushima.
  23. Yeah - the more you get to have several points checked out, you will definitely have a pattern figured out and know which supports which.
  24. It's even the movie that I really took much interest in. The narrative and graphics were unbelievably cool and quite intense battle.
  25. Haha, so you aren't going to help him find out if his wife was truly unfaithful and cheating on him 😂.
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