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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. You can go all out and fight to the death, you may be lucky and become victorious.
  2. Yeah - it's definitely something that wouldn't be ending anytime soon. We are already used to it now.
  3. Once the reviews are done in the right direction, it's definitely going to be very useful to those that are making use of it.
  4. Yeah - kids are fragile to begin with when it comes not getting strapped with VR play. I'm sure it's why they have to make those arrangements.
  5. Yeah - That's right for sure but we aren't going to stop simply because our efforts isn't enough yet.
  6. Well - that may be the case too and I'm not sure if it's a good idea.
  7. Seriously - no knowledge is a waste, so the more you get, the more you store up something that would be very beneficial to you in the future.
  8. Seriously, with what's taken place in China Town in the past and even till date, LA isn't a place for the fainted heart.
  9. That's nice getting to hear that you already completed Doom Eternal and hopefully sooner than later, I'm going to do so as well.
  10. It was such a big shame getting to see Konami take such path with their gaming policy in ruining their big reputation.
  11. Seriously - it was a very funny scenes with what both of them were doing like kids that can't control their emotions after being denied candy.
  12. Seriously - It's something that they the devs should have done before now but the most important thing is that they finally stood up.
  13. There is no way you would expect any Wipeout fans out there to be happy with the route Sony has taken in this order because it's like a slap in the face for them.
  14. Wow - once the feds gets involved in a case, it means that it's not just an ordinary case. The government now have a good interest in the case and I'm not sure if Activision will get out of this in one piece.
  15. Seriously - EA never cease to amaze me when they keep acting like they are on drugs with making a mess and still don't feel like they are doing anything wrong.
  16. Seriously - It's very frustrating when games gets so full of bugs, it takes away the smooth playing fun for me when it messes up the game.
  17. Yeah - it's been a while since we heard another Elder Scrolls is in production but for how long? As for Rockstar and GTA 6, they are lip sealed tight.
  18. The aggressive promotion was targeted at getting gamers rush into it but the fact is that once their plot is exposed, they won't have any playing.
  19. Definitely, they are existing and will for sure come into a lot of community like VGR, so I'm not surprised we have one here now.
  20. Dante is a great character when it comes to DMC. His stills can be so humiliating that it makes his opponent look piss poor.
  21. There was a time when I thought that it was just teenagers that are narcissistic and annoying when it comes to those online games community but I was shocked when I found out there are adults who are still even worst than those teens.
  22. Right wing seems to be my favorite wing as well and if you look at amazing attacking players, there are lots of them that have perfected the right wing.
  23. Hopefully, they are going to stick to what they promised in order not to have a lot of expecting fans disappointed.
  24. Exactly - it's actually why a lot of people loved the FIFA 15 server. Maybe because FIFA recent games have disappointed, they are all looked at like bad output.
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