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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I hope this serves the purpose for you in deciding what to do next with the game.
  2. Yeah - I actually wasn't saving all the black people in Scandinavia were all slaves - No they are not. I mentioned about some slaves becoming Freeborn after servitude and they get married as Freeborn, any of their black offsprings aren't slaves.
  3. There is a way you would look at their argument, it may seem like it's racist related which I'm not sure if it was but from the point of Vikings way of life being seriously rooted in traveling with their ships all over and even taking slaves; who sometimes gets assimilated into their clan and become a freeborn makes it possible to have blacks living among them. It's something that can easily justify the inclusion of a black character - Angrboda in the storyline.
  4. Seriously - with the arguments on the girl being a black isn't something that's in line with Norse Mythology and their culture.
  5. Although I have seen in shopping malls over here where kids are strapped in some kind of a chair while making use of the VR. I think that's even more safer.
  6. It's actually why this community is of a very good use to most people who are very active on it because we get to pick up priceless information without any bias that's going to be helpful to each and everyone of us in the future. Some newbie gamers in the forum get to know here what to likely expect from jumping into games pre-order from the experiences of others.
  7. This actually said it all because everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion and it can't ever be forced on others to accept without having their own say when they get to experience what the other reviewer gave his own opinion on.
  8. Yeah - more like using them for weapons upgrades in order to increase its damage levels.
  9. As long as they are very useful in getting you play the game in such a way that you wouldn't have anything missed is why they are very important and the developers that had it put there aren't silly.
  10. Haha, imagine carrying a sword that's bigger than you? It would even drain her energy levels 😂.
  11. Seriously, the greed level of these companies never ceases to amaze me everyday and every time they give into it and ruin a beautiful game.
  12. Exactly - it's the ammo that makes guns what they are known for because without them, guns are just like a long iron.
  13. Exactly - it's only unless the one searching for other options to buy from don't really know where to look for it.
  14. Seriously - It's actually the very good reason why those were made available in the game and some people wouldn't want to make use of it all. If it's not available, same gamers will nag over it.
  15. Seriously - it doesn't even look safe to stand up like that because you might bump into something and have a serious injury.
  16. Most people are advised against going with pre-order because of what these game companies have been doing with their games over the years with not being trustworthy.
  17. TRON blockchain seems to be gaining more popularity lately. Could it be they are linked with gaming to help boost their PR.
  18. Exactly - if there's nothing more to do and going back to the last save isn't a good option, then riding out in glory wouldn't be a bad idea.
  19. And pray that you don't get caught up with before you get to the health packs.
  20. Have you played The Last Of Us or Red Dead Redemption? They pretty well have cool soundtracks too.
  21. Yeah - the learning curve is something that will definitely come in handy for more people who aren't well exposed.
  22. Seriously - I do really love this game Ghost of Tsushima. Although I still suck at using bow and arrow while playing it.
  23. Seriously - there are parts in LA that are even just worst when it comes to what goes on GTA. West Adams has 494% higher crime rate from California's average according to last reports.
  24. Seriously - that actually helps so much and not just in the game reviews alone but almost anything that seeks to ask for people's opinions.
  25. Yeah - it's actually a very big problem because it seems the gaming community isn't with one voice, so they can't really influence the company's decision easily.
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