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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Dragonball is something that is very accommodating for me having played it in the past and I can easily as much recommend it to anyone.
  2. Yeah - if you happen to see a good playthrough, it might be a good eye opener for you, although you may have to deal with having spoilers.
  3. Time will come when everyone would learn how to build their own software to avoid all these breaches.
  4. Wow - if they set it up to work using short words like duck.co as well, then they really did have nice backup plan.
  5. Any features that is embedded in any device that's working on light adjustments is targeted to help reduce the light direct effects of the eyes.
  6. It's the plan most governments are trying to actualize lately and with the way things are going, it seems they are very serious about it.
  7. Yeah - I do understand that there are some soundtracks that might be distracting especially awkward ones.
  8. Heatman


    For the game to have underperformed on consoles showed they needed to do something better about it. What do you think?
  9. Heatman


    Of course yes, I believe that no matter how a game is built, there will always be gamers who would love it.
  10. Yeah - it's actually more like a second part of Captain America but now in a woman character which she isn't bad at all.
  11. Of course, I believe that there would definitely be more of such games with dark themes like Tails of Iron.
  12. Yeah - it's actually something that I took a very good interest in immediately I watched it.
  13. Heatman


    Seriously - There is absolutely nothing to see in it because it never really offered up anything interesting to look out for. Why did they have it ported to anyways?
  14. If not for any other thing apart from the good graphics and cool looking characters, the soundtrack is something that I really enjoyed.
  15. Seriously - will Bethesda ever consider to stop milking this game for as long as they are well aware gamers would keep paying for it? I'm not seeing that happening anytime soon.
  16. Threat without any actions isn't going to stop these companies from doing what they are. What in the world would letters do? 🙄
  17. Seriously - This is a complete fraud to me no matter the angle it's looked from with respect to the $2 million Mario Bros cartridge. How on earth did that happen?
  18. Seriously - the guy is a total loser and just like you put it, he's a scumbag attention seeker where he's not due it.
  19. Seriously, it's not something interesting when looking at it. I'm like why can't they do something better for the eyes to appreciate its beauty?
  20. I'm not really surprised at all with what Amazon has done with regards to this to their workers. It's something that they have been doing for a long time and no one seemed to have bothered and it became a norm for them.
  21. The truth of the matter is that there are weird human beings in the world today that animals are better than completely. I'm not surprised seeing this kind of thing happen in our gaming world today.
  22. The real question here is whether they breached any laws from making use of the concept from another developer or game company? If yes, then get them sued, if not talk a walk and pass.
  23. Lately, Loot Boxes are direct forced one way ticket to microtransactions infused in video games now by these greedy pigs. It's the only thing that they know how to do best now.
  24. Heatman


    Seriously - it was actually the very first thing that came to my mind immediately when played the video. I was actually like who tried to copied who between them?
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