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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Looking at how the game was already structured all around its gameplay, I strongly believe that it's something that can work pretty well being carried out in open world setting.
  2. Depending on the game genre is what determines the messages it's going to carry. A game that's meant to be a survival game would definitely have some odd messages it's going to pass based on what you need to do in order to survive which won't be the same story in Minecraft or others games.
  3. Seriously - if I love a game song, I love them and would like to hear them anytime or any day without any problem at all.
  4. Only one option is available in such situations where starting from the last save is going to be more work would be to run away from damage or danger as far as possible till I come into health and more supplies.
  5. If mine is not more than 50, then I'd playing more than I actually think. I can't really remember the last time I played Doom Eternal I got since that's not yet completed.
  6. My brother's experience with Cyberpunk 2077 was a very good lesson for me to learn from never to pre-order any games for any reason whatsoever.
  7. The knowledge and information on so many games out there that I wouldn't have ordinarily come across on my own was make easy for me to pick up from online communities like VRG.
  8. I have actually seen that in movies before and it was very cool. If they can get that set with VR, I'm definitely going to be interested in it.
  9. It's definitely going to be Cyberpunk 2077 for me in all way round, even though with what went on with the game, it stood out in terms of proper realistic lighting.
  10. To what essence would skipping them be for me is the real question to ask? It would be very poor decision to make when I actually paid for the game only to skip some parts in it.
  11. I wouldn't really say that all open world games would be piss poor when made into movies. Just like TLOU game series, it's definitely going to be interesting.
  12. I believe that there are so many online gaming store and not only Amazon which isn't gaming store specifically where you can easily get Dualshock 4s without much hassle while at it.
  13. The very last time I looked up on Amazon for any Dualshock controller, they were all available in stock.
  14. When it comes to game reviews, it's something that I look up to which makes me have an insight of a gamers experience with the game already which would give me a clue to what to expect from playing the game.
  15. Just acknowledging it wouldn't cut it for me. They ought to do something to make up for all the craziness we have be dealt to.
  16. Haha, alright I hear you mate. I'm going to be giving it a try sooner or later. Maybe, I'd get away with it as well.
  17. Heatman

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    I have lots of friends that are chronic introverts, they would never to getting into such kind of gaming sessions.
  18. Sometimes I keep asking myself what's their main reason for having all these tracking and data stealing from their users if that's the right word for it.
  19. The casual outfit here is something that's very commonly worn over here. It looks simple and easy to wear.
  20. Call of Duty : Ghost isn't that bad among the COD game series in my opinion.
  21. Games more like The Walking Dead fits in very in this game category. Although the movie part of it kept on going till I lost interest in it.
  22. I have been playing it for at least 2 weeks now and I must admit that I am loving every part of the gameplay to the fullest.
  23. Damn - That's really going to be very frustrating and difficult to swallow with the number of games and data loss in the process.
  24. He actually shared the video YouTube link but the video was no longer available on YouTube. It may have been taken down for one reason or another.
  25. Both The Last Of Us I & II are out already. You can easily look them up in YouTube to watch their trailers. They are among the top 10 best open world games.
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