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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I don't really know what others think about COD Warzone, but it's definitely captivating for me.
  2. Yeah - using trailers is good if they are being objective in the trailer with regards to the game because some trailers are far fetched from what really takes place in the game official.
  3. Seriously - It's actually better delayed and come out in perfect way than be rushed and messed up in the end like Cyberpunk 2077.
  4. Yeah - it's very good with device ever since I started making use of it that I kept asking myself why I didn't sooner.
  5. It's actually just for the sake of having an experience off of it that made me get a few game time with it.
  6. Exactly - which is something that's not going to guaranteed an interesting gameplay in my opinion.
  7. It really had you bored watching it for a while? You must not be a good fan of the GTA game genre?
  8. Soccer or football games depending on which one it's called in your country is actually a very interesting game genre especially for those who find it fun.
  9. Yeah - it's actually a very good project he's got there on his hands and once he's committed to it, the channel is definitely going to be a success.
  10. There was a car and helicopter toy I had back then as a kid which I drove off 3 story building and it crashed to hell. On the chopper, I kept asking my dad why it didn't fly like it's supposed to 😂.
  11. Seriously - as long as the characters are playable, why in the world would I be worked up how they look if they give me what I want from using them?
  12. Yeah - it's actually a very normal thing with some games. There is always a possibility that the ones that you hate would be liked by others.
  13. Isn't it merely a part of them getting addicted to the game and not like any other thing? If you can't control your addiction and get into accidents who's to be blamed?
  14. Damaging of toys as a kid can come in may ways like dragging the toys with your peer. It's something that happened with me very often. Yeah, mishandling is definitely different from damage out of rage.
  15. Of course yes, they are old in every sense but they are unique in a way that they can't be written off as worthless.
  16. Of course yes, there is no way you would expect all to have same gaming preferences with same games. It's definitely bound to differ.
  17. Exactly - you can imagine the amount of gaming knowledge and tricks you would learn from playing with them so old in games.
  18. Exactly - it's actually one of the main reasons why I prefer shooting games made in first person shooter mode.
  19. Wow, that's incredible. Once they are all functional, that's a pile of money you're sitting on there.
  20. Seriously - I was really shocked to see the age numbers being called out there. I was like was he kidding because just like you pointed out, even most young folks don't even play long enough now.
  21. Seriously - I was like did he make a mistake when I saw the time initially thinking it was supposed to Dead Space till I checked out the link.
  22. Exactly - it was never about the gamers which is something that most people get mixed up all the time.
  23. I think that I remembered this game from long ago with seeing this video and to be very honest with you, it's so funny seeing we played and enjoyed such games in the past.
  24. You're quite the calm type when it comes to your rage level. If it's that up, you must have broken a few of your controllers like most of us 😂.
  25. Yeah - it's actually how it is and before you can get those downloads, you must have an account already to do it with.
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