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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Like don't they have a pattern already for us to know what to expect from them? It's why I'm sure they aren't going do anything different from what they used to.
  2. Yeah - I believe that they would definitely like it too. Even myself kinda liked it to some extent.
  3. Exactly - it's actually whenever I see any game company that takes its promotional activities seriously, I tend to appreciate their efforts.
  4. Exactly - it's not like a full blown horror game. Maybe it's the only word the friend knew to explain what the game was like.
  5. This is absolutely me when I was a lot younger with FIFA game series. It was more like I was addicted to it back then because I got almost all series of each release.
  6. Some gamers don't like any kind of distractions whenever they are getting some game time, it's why they have it that way locked up in doors alone.
  7. Depending on the part of the world where you are located, some do get free internet Wi-Fi and have nothing to worry about internet data. I can remember my time in Duabi, it was awesome.
  8. Seriously - from the looks of things, it's definitely going to something that's going to be fascinating like you put it with all the chatters going on about the game.
  9. I think that some Android devices comes with unique features. Like mine, there is an auto feature in it for its brightness adjustment based on the time or environments in terms of weather.
  10. Seriously - It's what's going on right now, with the number of cryptocurrency companies we see online on daily basis which more than 80% of them are scams.
  11. Yeah - I do get the actual reason why most people would like to turn off such tracking features in order to avoid data leaks.
  12. Heatman


    It's quite affordable, the only issue would be if their services are good with such cost for it or another waste of small token?
  13. Does it mean that getting applications through such means isn't advisable?
  14. Of course, it's a perfect business plan to to take advantage of the market and port such games to other consoles in order to gain the left out gamers who would like to play the games on consoles.
  15. Heatman


    Yeah - if you get sophisticated with it, it might become too complex and complicated to achieve your playing build goal in the end.
  16. Yeah - it's definitely not justifiable but there may be a situation link up between the two. It may or may not have any influence on the ratings.
  17. Seriously - It's actually too short for such kind of game. It literally means that you won't have much hard task to do in the game to have it completed.
  18. Yeah - I believe it's something that's very common with most people when getting a new game. It's not mostly for buying and keep sake but to experience it immediately.
  19. I have seen some adult content made with such Pokémon game characters like Nurato. So, maybe it's got something to do with influencing the rating. I'm not really sure.
  20. Let's see what happens between now and next month with playing it since I have brought myself to mention it here. Maybe, it would be the motivation to get into it.
  21. Seriously - what thrills me so much was the game play age of 73. It's incredible because you hardly get to see so many old folks still find gaming fun to even get online in gaming communities to seek for help. I hope I have my gaming interest still at its peak when I hit 70 years plus.
  22. I had purchased the Air Freshener $100 Bill Benjamin Franklin GTA Grand Theft Auto Rare Black Ice from eBay which was sold for $5.99. It's a very good deal for me.
  23. There is a good way to go about things and it's exactly how you explained it. If you want to be accepted with whatever you want to sell in a community, make yourself belong with them and see them not feeling awkward when you put up something you want to peddle online in the platform.
  24. Yeah, it seems so with his schedule and it's really affecting his viewing base. He's still on 58 subscribers till now which is a show of lacking content that would basically drag more people to his channel.
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