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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously - to some extent I actually felt it's a real video games playthrough because he's role acting was spot on. It's pure talent what he's done here in the video.
  2. I would definitely like for more weapon customization in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. It's actually a very good game already which offers incredible gaming experience with making you play like a human and superhuman as well.
  3. It looks like something that's going to be an interesting play. Although the graphics doesn't look so good but the gameplay seem to be cool.
  4. Seriously - it was actually what came to my mind when I saw the guy riding a horse with his long white hair - it has quite a striking resemblance.
  5. The accuracy you have when playing on first person game mode especially with shooting games is what makes it a perfect technique for such games.
  6. Yes of course, was actually trying to make some reference to others type of games but never mind. What's your favorite of the GBA games you ever played? I kinda liked Fire Emblem very much.
  7. Yeah - it was actually the same thing which I found out in the course of checking out reviews and some playthrough of the game on YouTube.
  8. Stupid cops that don't really know how to drive 😂 . Why do they make cops in the game to be such lousy when it comes to driving? I seem to notice that done in movies too where cops chase using their cars.
  9. Seriously - It's not a good movie from FIFA pulling the plug on the game but anyways I'm keeping my fingers crossed waiting for the FIFA 22.
  10. Why they don't have a strict game rating system or protocol on how the rating is carried out is definitely something that's keep worrying me over a long time now.
  11. Are you kidding me? Sing with this my cracked frog voice? Naah, I'm going to pass mate. Even overhearing my voice in voice note sound very silly to me 😂.
  12. Seriously - It's not only you who was hit so hard with the voice acting. I was on call with my cousin and suddenly played the video and she couldn't stop laughing in the background overhearing the video voice acting.
  13. Are you sure EA would bring themselves up to ditching the game when there is always a slim chance that some would spend on it?
  14. Seriously - I can't really pick out the reason why I'm yet to get the game opened and it's not like it's not a genre that I don't like to play because it sure it but why can't yet is still unknown to me.
  15. Most people already gave up on the game for the trash they are doing with it for a very long time now. It's become an unusual game.
  16. Seriously - if you know how many times I have come so close to getting it opened up for play but for one reason or another, I still didn't. It really looks weird.
  17. Deus Ex : Human Revolution
  18. This is a very common thing for most gamers who's got quite a temper.
  19. Personally, I'm not sure if I have any issues with playing in both first person and third person. For, as long as I get exactly what I'm looking for in the gameplay, I'm all good.
  20. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End which is a third person shooting adventure game made by Naughty Dog is one game that I can remember vividly that I'm yet to open in my collection.
  21. From what I heard about the game, it pretty seems to be very easy to complete and having you say that you had it finished in 12 hours seems to support that assessment.
  22. Seriously - the toxicity in the Fortnite gaming community is out of this world and it's part of the reasons why I'm staying away from the game. I think it's among the top 5 most toxic gaming communities.
  23. Seriously - I believe that it's something that is worth discussing on and definitely it's going to be an unending long talk because the crap behavior have been pilling up for a while now.
  24. Personally, I really believe the use of social media, internet and more tech pushed in more life in the world today from what it used to be. But yes, I do agree with how messy it's been online.
  25. After leaping from my SEGA to Playstation 1, I had all the PS consoles purchased after their release except PS5 which I'm still working on getting.
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