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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I just came across this news right now on Bleacher Report about FIFA 15 server shutting down officially. In my opinion, it's one of the most phenomenal editions of the game. Did anyone see it coming?
  2. Most games where you get to explore seems to have good rating especially when it's teens related like Sunless Skies: Sovereign Edition.
  3. You may be surprised how you might get a hang of it very easily when you actually start doing it. I have seen people get very used to what they thought initially would difficult for them.
  4. If it's about it being possible do dismantle the keyboard, it's very possible to that. I think I shared a video about how it's done. Although, making use of what works for you is understandable.
  5. Yeah - not everyone gives into their crap because it's become so bad it's very annoying to give it any thoughts lately.
  6. The simple cold truth is that most of these companies don't really want to get into the stress of making exactly what's demanded of them. It's easier for them to copy what they did initially or previously with a little tweaks to make it appear different and have it out for us and it's rushed like no one knew what happened.
  7. Exactly - it's actually the point that I'm trying to make about treating them like they never existed because they aren't worth the time and stress.
  8. The sad thing is that there are still so many people who are actually buying it at pre-order which if not, they would have stopped it by now.
  9. Making use of cotton swaps buds can work as well but it's not going to clean deep enough in some areas.
  10. Your schedule is definitely going to be a very big challenge for you with your streaming but once you figure out a way to do it, I'm sure you will enjoy it and keep it up.
  11. Exactly - There is this kind of special energy that comes with the song vibe which puts you in a good mood while you are at racing. It's an added booster.
  12. Learning all the necessary things you must is going to be very vital to getting your project well executed, so, you should take it very seriously till it becomes perfect.
  13. The poking chickens 🐔 in The legend of Zelda series is one of the hilarious ways to die or run for your life from the village.
  14. Seriously - if there's any way to make the ammo never getting exhausted, it's one resources that can never be too much in such a game.
  15. What gaming system did you play those so many games before your main game Halo?
  16. Maybe, you don't feel the need for a sense of accomplishment with completing a particular game before jumping into a new one.
  17. Scatterbrained really? It's not gotten to that level yet ; that's hilarious my friend. I do tend to drift off with Family once in a while but we are getting back on topic ASAP.
  18. The main point of concern should be on trying to make a perfect game world irrespective of the size being considered. If it's bigger, it calls for ensuring that not a spot be treated as trivial and the same thing should be applied to smaller worlds.
  19. You sure do have a good sense of humor man. But it's actually very true what you said about the both thing heading in the same direction which shouldn't but it's something we get to see happen in communities with multiple opinions.
  20. Yeah - That's very correct after closely watching the video. It's even why he was able to survive it.
  21. Heatman


    How much is Tunnelbear VPN services? If it's something good, maybe I might get it as a backup VPN in the future.
  22. Yeah - I get that which is more like not being able to adapt to the new gaming system easily with the games you really enjoyed playing in your old system. It's happened to me a few times moving from my retro game system to the recent system.
  23. Oh! Poor m76 😂. His point back then about how he saw heroine characters in games did caused quite a stir with the long arguments on. Wouldn't want him taking it up again with this mention. Ps. On the subject, I believe most people are entitled to their individual opinions and it's cool when they don't force it on others.
  24. Yeah - it's among the one best thing that I really love about making use of Google and all its extensions. Gmail linking with contacts have saved my ass more than I can ever imagine.
  25. Actually, the Marvel Thor had quite a belly after failing to kill Thanos who wiped off almost all humanity in the Infinity wars.
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