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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Even without having to say much, I'm very certain with how good TLOU2 is as an adventure game.
  2. It's actually why a friend of mine never gets hooked up in either his phone screen or PC screens without using his glasses 👓 on order to protect his lens.
  3. I recommended using Opera Gx to my friend who is a great gamer too to use on his PC and he's really enjoying it after buying the idea.
  4. Heatman


    Imagine just wasting your hard earned money paying for crap service they provide. It totally sucks!!!
  5. Seriously - imagine leaving out what they are supposed to do and be doing another thing all together that is not necessary.
  6. Seriously - even the most tested and trusted persons have been swayed by substantial amounts of money. It's not wise to let your guard 💂 down.
  7. Exactly - There are so many reasons why some people became a collector. It might be a hobby or to make money from it on the long run.
  8. Actually, I wasn't surprised with the shortage and all, it's something that I saw coming but the challenge for most people was the difficulty in holding to sell by now.
  9. I believe that should work well for you since it's a very slim chance to having dusts crop all over your room.
  10. Haha, they must be one hell of annoying people for you to have such pictures thoughts crossing your mind with them as target 🎯.
  11. Yeah - Without such set up not having an output, it's definitely going to make it a messed up masterpiece.
  12. I actually think it's more than 12 soundtracks that came with that particular genre.
  13. Seriously - I don't really know if there is any game ever produced that doesn't come with its own criticism. It's a normal thing with games.
  14. Exactly - and for the fact that there would be a possibility of such items having monetary value in the future makes the collection a motivating practice.
  15. I think a good number of people do that as well, with the view of drawing strength from the name to their own character.
  16. Exactly - simply put in summary, the life of a swordsman is determined my the decision he/she makes in battles, where one wrong move would mean certain death ☠.
  17. Seriously - It's not really an easy leap. I believe that it even gets more difficult to move from PC 💻 to consoles.
  18. Exactly - I believe that there are some gaming actions and decisions that can't be linked to one's real life behavior because it's practically two different phases of operation.
  19. Seriously - I think that happens to mostly everyone. It's like getting so used to something that it becomes a part of you.
  20. I actually didn't get to complete chronicle of Riddick on my PS2 as I had the console taken away.
  21. Seriously - that's the very best way to deal with bunch assholes who think they can abuse and have their way in everything.
  22. Yeah - they really went about it with the right protocol and backing, which gave it an outstanding balance.
  23. And shockingly, they still have a lot loyal subscribers who still patronize them all the way.
  24. Seriously - there have been so many religious crisis that sparked out of nothingness. It's a very very delicate concept.
  25. Seriously - It's actually why I don't blame any gamer who stopped taking most of their games serious lately.
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