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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. For Candy Crush, I didn't really complete it all because the purpose with which I played it was to teach my ma how to play the damn game.
  2. Yeah - Actually avoiding them seems to be the best working sane strategy to deal with them.
  3. Yeah - Those are incredible fight scenes in God of War. I love the scenes where Kratos rode with flying horse Pegasus.
  4. In as much as the game took a very big hit because it was over rushed, it still doesn't change the fact that it's almost a perfect game. And having said that, my vote currently is going to be for Horizon Zero Dawn.
  5. As much as I know very well that it's possible for me to make a few bucks from selling any of my old consoles, my connection with them wouldn't let me do that easily. I rather dash it out to a close friend or family member.
  6. That's totally understandable because relaxation can come in any form to different people in from different ways. There are plenty of gamers who would find survival horror games relaxing.
  7. Probably if my inquiry gets ignored, then there is every possibility that they are no longer actively recruiting or they are dead logically.
  8. Yeah - it's actually very helpful to clean them up at the end of every use session. Unless, it's for the internal dust cleaning that will be tedious to do on daily basis.
  9. Seriously - This is incredibly massive. I'd like to have it but it may even freak me out if it's the same room with me.
  10. Like how many eyes 👀 do they have to watch with? Even octopus 🐙 is going to find it difficult to catch up on the 8 screen play at once.
  11. Aren't we all waiting on Rockstar to give the world any hint when the next GTA series is going to come out?
  12. Wow, you don't own Playstation 4, it's really a shame but I'm sure you have probably PS5. Do you?
  13. Seriously - With the way I have been tempted by Playstation 5 owners with how exquisite it is to play with the console, it's really a torment.
  14. Personally, I think mine is a bit part more of fun collection than an investment collection because I don't think the thought of ever selling them have ever crossed my mind.
  15. The simple fact is that most of us are more of a full collector than a full player because in most cases, we complete small percentage of all the games we have already but still getting new ones.
  16. The multiple bots involvement in the game is really a negative factor towards making lots of player bunk the game and move on now.
  17. Forgive my curiosity, is the game about cooking or something related to cooking and food?
  18. Wow - 3 years is almost too far out for me to forget a game completely. Why did you stay too long till now to never have played it again?
  19. Exactly - There is always a possibility of having a patch fixed for it to work properly but maybe we don't really know if it's fixed another issue may prompt from it. Who knows?
  20. I believe that their reason for removing the ultrawide support was because according to them, it breaks the game. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pcgamer.com/amp/diablo-2-resurrected-ditched-ultrawide-support-because-it-breaks-the-game/
  21. It's actually a misconception from so many people who doesn't get exactly the legal grounds on which emulations is based which makes them think it's an illegal act. Just like you rightly put, they are just operating out of ignorance!!
  22. Exactly - it's what it actually means to collect something because no one ever goes out of his way to get something that doesn't mean anything to him or her.
  23. Seriously - I find it boring personally. It's actually why I drift from some games whenever I feel like it's getting out of hand to clear my head playing another game genre entirely.
  24. I never really owned Atari 2600, although I played with it a couple of times with my neighbor close door owned one.
  25. Yeah, I actually upgraded my cleaning to that level because I felt using just aerosol cleaners isn't getting the job properly done for me.
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