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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah, I actually upgraded my cleaning to that level because I felt using just aerosol cleaners isn't getting the job properly done for me.
  2. Yeah - it's definitely not built for every gamer. You'd hardly find gamers who are deep into playing Minecraft like other games. Those that are deep into it hardly play other games. There is a guy I meet online about 6 years ago called Soulwatcher, he's strictly into playing only Minecraft and he's very good at it.
  3. Exactly - you completely understand the situation at its very best because the moment you think there's a breather for you to take time to catch up with initially abandoned games and boom comes out another irresistible one.
  4. Yeah - it's actually very good looking once you get to see who's very good at it after a finished project. They'd have sleepless night trying to build a masterclass outfit.
  5. Seriously - when I say I'm not going to get another one so as to play down the ones already in backlog, a new thrilling one would come out and I'm back at it again ; just like I'm waiting on Call of Duty Vanguard now.
  6. Exactly - I'm not sure if I have ever had the level of frustration I had with playing Minecraft compared to any other games that I have ever played apart from playing Dark Souls.
  7. Colour adjustments? I haven't really taken that into effects with these applications.
  8. Yeah - That's actually true with some chrome extensions not being compatible with the Microsoft Edge. I believe that they can actually have it patched and fixed if they wanted to.
  9. Heatman


    I can actually understand if it's just busy but you see slow servers isn't something that I can work with at all.
  10. Heatman


    I can actually understand if it's just busy but you see slow servers isn't something that I can work with at all.
  11. Seriously my investment worth isn't made know to anyone but my wife and mother. These are the two people I can trust with my life.
  12. Seriously - the way government's tries to have control over everything is really frustrating. It's like they feel insecure or something? They fight against almost everything they can't control.
  13. Heatman


    Seriously - with how these companies let these games get so messed up that gamers are leaving it is very worrying to understand.
  14. Exactly - I really think that's the missing link with the games and movies part of X-Men set up.
  15. Yeah - it's actually very creepy there is no doubt about that.
  16. I was discussing with a colleague three days ago and we were on about what happens to the wandering spirits that never rested in peace and I'm shocked to see a game that tried to do something in that line.
  17. Yeah - You're very correct with that assessment because when it comes to religion and culture, those two things are by meant to me trifled with at all because it never ends well.
  18. Personally, I do make use of the tips and steps in the video to clean my keyboard and it's very effective and easy.
  19. Of course yes, video games reveal and launch trailers goes a very long way in helping most people in deciding about getting or not getting a particular game and I'm not left out of such influence as well.
  20. As far as I'm concerned, android Virtual Reality games aren't worth it. They totaly sucks and feels like a waste of time from my experience with it.
  21. A very good friend of mine actually complain about having the same issue and I can't even get this video as it's showing not available for me to know exactly what to recommend for him to use and have the problem fixed.
  22. Awwh - It's now that I actually understand what you had to endure till you had to get the game. I can imagine the long wait, it's definitely frustrating.
  23. Yeah - it's actually what it is when you love someone or something the person do. You will find yourself naturally supporting the project.
  24. How big is your game clan community and I really hope it's not something filled up with toxic people because I don't find it comforting to be in such group.
  25. Well - it may be the case for most people who can't afford to buy and have the console shipped to them anywhere they are in the world.
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