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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. We all are well aware of what EA fanboys are capable of doing. Whenever you come across their reviews, it's got EA lapdog written all over it.
  2. Yeah and I actually loved the Need for Speed soundtracks. I have few of them in my Playlist.
  3. Seriously - I can't ever play Candy Crush Saga ever again. It's cos of my mother I had to play it 3 years ago.
  4. Well, everything I do with these narcissistic gamers depends on the kind of mood I'm in when they kick in with their shit and if I'm in a pissed off mood, they'd hate the conversation.
  5. I don't really know if it's lack of popularity case with Playstation 3 because I'm sure they had marketing campaigns on it before its release.
  6. Seriously - you're absolutely right about how biased some reviews are and if you take everything hook, line and sinker, you wouldn't know how to appreciate games on your own.
  7. As far as I'm concerned with playing Final Fantasy XV, it's always going to be Noctis that's going to be my favorite character in the game.
  8. Well, it's a fact that the soundtracks that comes with Twisted Metal and Need for Speed are purely different kind of songs but both are cool by the way.
  9. Seriously - those games aren't made for the likes of me. I hate puzzle games but not like I hated on Minecraft and CANDY CRUSH SAGA!!!! 😑
  10. Yeah - That's a cold fact about how those narcissistic gamers behave like as if every single damn thing revolves around them.
  11. I'm definitely sure that it's going to be an awesome experience for you. I'd be looking forward to your feedback on the game.
  12. Yeah - he actually did well to get to the spot where he was. It's not every driver that wins such titles.
  13. For the fact that it's a Playstation console with an incredible games available on it to play makes it one of the most used PS console.
  14. Exactly - it's actually why I don't kick myself too much when it comes to other people's reviews, it's not really like they aren't important but they are not the last words on the game.
  15. Well, it's all in the video game that you can actually do that and it's basically what's obtainable in that particular game genre.
  16. Personally, one of the best things that stood out for me in Twisted Metal was its soundtracks. They are incredibly insane and I liked them a lot.
  17. Twisted Metal 3 is actually an intense and captivating video game which most people who got into playing never likes to let go.
  18. Well, it's actually new players that might be confused with bots play and real players because there is always a pattern with how bots plays than real players.
  19. As long as the Dualshock Playstation controller is still in good working condition, I don't see any reason why you should be looking for a new one.
  20. Seriously - The truth of the matter is that there will always be a new video game company that will be competing with one another for the fans to shift towards them.
  21. Yeah - it's actually such excitement that makes some player get really hooked up and addicted to that kind of fighting combat system.
  22. Exactly - There is a way a game setting would be set up, it tends to offer more than just being for playing fun sake and a lot more like the player being a part of his society while in the gameverse.
  23. Yeah - it's actually very good for anyone who's having issues with parallel parking. It really helped me a lot when I faced the challenges as well.
  24. You're welcome mate. It looks like I'm going to start taking a cue from your collection and start getting a few for myself.
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