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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah - I remembered the video you shared about a family video recording themselves and suddenly a truck 🚚 pulled up and blew their kid up.
  2. It's actually ticks for the player and that's why he's got it modded to work like such. It's probably more fun to the player that way.
  3. Yeah - As long as gaming is concerned, there will definitely be different choices from one person to another based on what we like to do.
  4. Yeah - I actually saw it as wired with the many TV sets but hey it's what he likes for himself and it's cool to him.
  5. The storyline is something that I'm very interested in learning more about which is what happens to the restless dead souls who didn't die their natural death. I'm definitely getting the game.
  6. Seriously - this wasn't expected from my standpoint and with the way things are going, it's definitely not going to end well for the game or the company all together.
  7. Seriously - I'm looking forward to them having their ass fried hard for being so stupid at least from the way I see it. They felt, it's nothing to drag any attention, but they are just being kicked in the teeth.
  8. Yeah - it's actually another game's point of view which can be debated. It's true what you said about the reviews but the best way in my opinion is to have your own point of view drawn from experiencing the same game.
  9. Most people who have their decisions well thought out on what they need to do never really regret it because everything is going to fall in as part of the plan.
  10. Actually in video games where the player is given an opportunity to decide on what to do goes a very long way in shaping one's character in the future.
  11. Seriously - imagine the level of intimacy he would have with his dad being his gaming buddy for years. He's definitely going to teach him some of his old tricks and we are doomed already.
  12. Exactly - no one really likes to waste his or her own time playing with bots. It's no fun at all because you have this subconscious that it's against a bot which makes the play boring.
  13. Yeah - I know how good Dualshock controller is and I have used it at a friend's game house. It's an excellent impressive controller 🎮.
  14. You're very welcome and it's not something that should bother you that much because it's something that anyone can easily get mixed up with.
  15. Yeah - I actually played my Playstation 1 and 2 more than I played my Playstation 3 because it was taken twice. It's the only console that I purchased twice and it was taken twice.
  16. You're very welcome my friend. I'm happy that you found the video tips very helpful and that's a spot on observation with the dominant cars in US evident in the video.
  17. The adrenaline rush that comes with being in melee fighting is what's more thrilling about. Looking your enemy in the eye and beating the life out of him.
  18. If that's the case then, I believe that he's got a good record. Everyone comes up short at one thing in his life and not getting Hendrick Motorsports sooner was his own shortcomings.
  19. Yeah - the setting of the game being a realistic New York City offers a great sense of connection to it feeling like it's not just game mechanics but a real life city.
  20. Seriously - you already have quite a collection already and I'm sure that a lot of people (Your buddies) might envy you.
  21. Yeah, Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey is an excellent game. It's a very unique game that you don't get to see often get made.
  22. Driver : San Francisco from Ubisoft wasn't really that thrilling for me in terms of how realistic its graphics were. I played for a month or so and moved on from it.
  23. Of course there are some people who are actually not into any kind of survival games. There is a friend of mine who is only into racing games.
  24. What's the gameplay like with Iron Harvest? This is my first time of hearing about the game.
  25. Yeah - it's an outstanding game by Marvel. Even the trailer was very good. I like how the city of New York was very realistic in the game.
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