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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Exactly - it's actually one of the reasons why they are trying to kill us with their unending use of microtransactions in almost all the games they make.
  2. That's quite interesting. For those who's made it a habit of collecting are definitely stacking up a serious money stockpile without having to stress too much about it. I think @Family sedanis a collector too.
  3. Heatman


    As much as I would love to stream my video gameplay, I don't really have the time for it which is why I find it in me to always appreciate those who spare the time to get it done. Some people that I know to getting into it is just for fun and growing their online presence.
  4. What happened in Spec Ops : The Line with the use of White Phosphorus in murdering women and children is still on top of the chart for me as the most emotional scenes in a video game.
  5. There are so many of them to be mentioned but let me just name at least 5 of them. They are ; League of Legends Dota 2 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Fortnite Halo
  6. Sometimes my preferences changes depending on the kind of game that I'm playing at the moment but generally, I most have at least a sense or feeling of fun catching in any game, it's a must.
  7. The very best thing about this game Detroit : Become Human is its graphics level in terms of making everything looks so photorealistic.
  8. Heatman

    The Ascent

    Seriously - even the launch trailer isn't even that appealing after watching it. It's never getting my playing time at all.
  9. You should watching this YouTube video and see how it helps you with getting the mod that would help you out with your lighting.
  10. Seriously - I'd be hawk waiting for your reviews on playing Skyrim on your Playstation 5 as I'm yet to get mine but definitely looking forward to it.
  11. My major issue is that I have been gaming for years now and I still get the use of these buttons still mixed up. It's really frustrating and annoying.
  12. Personally, I don't see survival games as being overrated because it's actually something that I really find thrilling to get into always.
  13. Whenever they aren't working exactly how they are supposed to be, there is absolutely nothing to be happy about it. It's definitely going to suck as hell.
  14. Yeah - your case with working against the Thalmors supports the old proverb that says "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". It's a common thing to do when you have an interest in the end against a common foe.
  15. There are actually three outstanding video games that stood out uniquely when it comes to being photorealistic. They are ; Death Stranding The Last Of Us II Detroit: Become Human
  16. I just checked out the official trailer now and I'm really amazed by how good, interesting and captivating the game is. The graphics and narrative were outstanding.
  17. There are quite so many interesting recent MMO games that wouldn't disappoint you from investing your time in playing them. For example, Guild Wars 2, and Eve Online are good recommendations. Getting to fight dragon Jormag and his icebrood as the hero is one hell of a challenge you should be ready for in Guild Wars 2.
  18. You're the clan speaker - so speaking or representing the who clan is pretty a high position. Don't feel sad about it or what's your dream position?
  19. Well, it's the objective that I have to achieve is what pumps my playing motivation in open world games. I do wander sometimes just to appreciate the scenery of some spots.
  20. Seriously - anything is possible when you get to mix up with different people from all over the world. There are so many twisted people in the world that are just looking any silly reason to show what they are made of and being a narcissist isn't off the table as well.
  21. My fellow destroyer buddy. The acts of violence kinda thrills me a lot. I really love taking tangos out with Sniper riffle.
  22. Of course yes, I did quit some games and still later come back to them because I still can't let go. I quitted playing Dark Souls several times because of how challenging it was.
  23. Wow - I think that this is a perfect view. I'm definitely not going to pass on not having this one or even one more sophisticated.
  24. I'm actually wired that way towards my favorite games as well. There is no way I could ever stop playing them ( Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon Zero Dawn).
  25. Yeah - even if a game is made to have extreme violence scenes in it, it's definitely going to rated and restricted to a certain age to play it. So, in most cases, it's going to be off limits for kids.
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