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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Looking at how EA, Ubisoft, Activision and so on have been going with their greed in terms of money grabbing with the way they are improvising with tricks shows they are really adapting with their greed.
  2. Why do you think there is mass exodus from gamers who used to be into playing some PUBG games lately? It's the bots and NPCs craziness.
  3. Yeah - There is always more possibility that the games will have more effects on kids and even some adults that don't really know how to put their emotions in check.
  4. It's actually true that the level of enthusiasm in playing the game over again drops a bit low after it's completed but it still doesn't make the game not to still be enjoyed at least.
  5. It's PISOBIN Pro Gaming Controller .
  6. You meant he could actually be able to sell off those cards if he still got them? I'm guessing ebay is going to be the platform to use and sell them?
  7. Well, a YouTube channel owner would most likely publish what he or she could be able to cover adequately in order to avoid having so many unanswered questions in the comments section.
  8. Nope, Ubisoft never came up as part of the game developers but Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix took over the publishing of the games.
  9. Guardian of Light was actually a cool game then. I really had a fun time playing it back then.
  10. Yeah - Even if we felt too much to know about how the deal came about, it's still up to them to give any clarification or not and whether we know it or not, it's never going to impact on the deal in any way whatsoever.
  11. Playstation 4 is my current console 😂. Hopefully, I would be upgrading to Playstation 5 sooner or later. It's been on my budget for a while now and I hope it get crossed out soon.
  12. Yeah - I really had a great time playing with my SEGA. It's a big part of my childhood growing up which I why I dot on it a bit more.
  13. Personally, I find it to be a childish thing to do honestly. I know that some people might not agree with me but it's expected that our views and choices towards some things varies.
  14. Yeah - As a cosmetic upgrades, it's definitely well exploited there but for all round gaming experience, it's not that good for me.
  15. This actually my very first time of hearing about this Legend of the Phoenix by Otome Games. Is it only available on Android?
  16. As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing interesting about this kind of chair 💺. The design shape looks horrible from my perspective. I'd never buy unless it's given out for free.
  17. Pokémon game isn't that bad if you looked at how it was trending back then when it's very popular among its competitors. I did enjoyed playing MTG online as well.
  18. It's video game of chase across time to find a criminal who's got a plan to shutdown or damage the space-time continuum to make it impossible to stop him. It's quite an interesting game.
  19. Seriously - It got to a point where I couldn't follow up with Walking Dead series again. It's also the same thing with Hero's. Do you remember the movie?
  20. Yeah - There is always a priority when it comes to the kind of enemies to take out when playing Battle Royale survival games. If you don't take such killing pattern, it's definitely going to cost you.
  21. Exactly - whatever you keep consuming on daily basis tends to take a hold of you. You may involuntarily behave in that line without knowing.
  22. Exactly - playing games on easy or even moderate to mode isn't for me because it's not going to be entertaining as when you complete it on difficulty level.
  23. It actually depends on the type of controller you are looking at purchasing. I'm sure there are still ones at the cost of $25.
  24. Seriously, James Bond movies are very awesome and thrilling but I'm not sure why it never had a major breakthrough in video games.
  25. Those aliens really had a good taste of those fat cattle 🐄. The farmer seems to have been expecting them with the level of preparation we did with all the guns set up.
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