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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. There was a guy who's actually planning on tutoring me on 3D animation. I already got someone applications he recommended for me to get for the lessons.
  2. Seriously - the truth of the matter is that no matter how much these games helps you to escape reality for a moment, it's definitely not going to solve the problem.
  3. Seriously - There is no way I'd expecting those consoles to be sold cheaper because the techs that are used for its production are scarce.
  4. Seriously - A punching bag best describes exactly I felt like playing Dark Souls for the first time as I literally couldn't lift a finger and I'm dead.
  5. Seriously - I believe that in most cases it's only factory fault that may affect one's console as long as you purchased it where you're supposed to and not a scalper who might be shady seller.
  6. Seriously - when these tasks becomes very difficult, it takes a well determined player to get by it with great tactics because just skills alone wouldn't get you past it.
  7. Yeah - some people tend to find playing video games fun while some other people don't see it so, but it doesn't mean they don't live a happy life.
  8. Exactly - if something like a treasure comes to be with no real features of what a treasure is supposed to be, then it's definitely not going to offer any sense of accuracy.
  9. Seriously - if they set themselves up to fail, there is no way you would expect them to succeed with poor decision.
  10. With TV shows or movies, every single thing happening in it is already predetermined and you can't influence the outcome even if you wanted to do so much.
  11. It's more of a choice empowering thing with playing video games unlike just watching movies or TV shows. As, in the former, you get the choice to decide what to play your character as which is directly showing your inner desire not like it's the games that's decided what you have already decided to play your character as. Personally, I do think that movies or TV shows depending on how's it's produced would have more effects on impacting on one's tolerance levels. Take for instance in the movie Street Fighter ; there was an experiment where a beast was being feed video acts of violence with the bid to wire him to be inhuman and very destructive. Some may argue it's all scripted but in reality, it's very effective.
  12. It's actually not that really hard to get parallel parking done with much finesse. I hope that video can help you out with it.
  13. What's the record of Texas" Terry Labonte like? If you're to rank him among the best top 10 drivers, where would he be?
  14. I'm not sure if most people still remember Battlezone - A first person shooter tank combat game released by Atari, Inc in 1980.
  15. Seriously - Looking how Alice and Lara Croft was portrayed in Resident Evil and Tomb Raider respectively, it's very clear they up there on the same par with their male counterparts.
  16. Haha, welcome to the ache of being a parent and having kids. They'd eat just about anything in there 😂
  17. Red interior definitely looks rich and cozy but it's not going to be as challenging as dealing with the a white interior 😩.
  18. Yeah - That's true in a way. There are some whom it would ruin the fun in it once they get to learn it from spoilers.
  19. Exactly - it's a very massive task to be asked for in script. It's almost going to be impossible to get it all done even by 1000 people.
  20. Yeah - it's actually why the upgrades are very necessary in the new versions of any video games.
  21. The white color looks absolutely beautiful and cool. Although taking care of the color is going to be very challenging for it not to fade.
  22. It's never really going to be an easy transition from the old engine to the new one. There are bound to be some challenges in between.
  23. It's actually a very big knowledge that Shagger shared with the lot of us. I found it very useful personally and so with other people I passed it on it. I practically learnt about defragmentation by him.
  24. Yeah - There are so many other Electronic Arts games that aren't included in the YouTube video. If all EA games are forced in the video, it's going to be a very long watch.
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