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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I'm currently still stuck with my Playstation 4 console and I'm still very much enjoying playing with it. Yes, I'd like to have Playstation 5 but I'm never breaking the bank 🏦 to get it.
  2. Yeah - It's one of the good things that comes with making use of YouTube playthrough of other gamers, it's definitely going to be very helpful for you to beat some difficult tasks.
  3. You can actually check it with contacting their support through this link. If it's possible, you'd get the update from them. https://help.steampowered.com/en/
  4. Oh, you have successfully defragmented your drives. That's very good, at least the tips shared on how to do it worked for you.
  5. Seriously - It's really a pattern for all of them but the most important thing is that when you are trying to maximize profits, you should also offer something that's worth the gamers money.
  6. The good thing about headshot kills is that I don't really need to chase the enemy but lay in wait till I have a clean shot.
  7. The truth is that there are some video games trailers and even movies trailers that comes out so perfect but ends up being a total garbage.
  8. Seriously - I believe that we are all just being taken advantage of with how things have been going for a long time now.
  9. Yeah - zombies and apocalyptic games quite fits the profile distinctly. I do enjoy stealth games like Hitman and Assassin's creeds series.
  10. I tend to agree with you on this. A newbie most likely to playing EA games wouldn't really know much about them.
  11. Seriously - it makes a mockery of the the car IRL. When they know they are using a real life car replica in games, they should upgrade the cars features in the game too.
  12. Seriously - it gets on my nerves but what I do when I eventually get my hands on them is taking them out with extreme prejudice.
  13. Yeah - Symphony Of The Night is by far the best Castlevania games ever made by Konami. Seriously, Konami's old glory is massive.
  14. Yeah - I actually think that it's going to offer a sense of uniqueness with the kind of characters we'd see in the game ; also spells and modding would be cool.
  15. Yeah - There is no way to justify a shady transaction and it's exactly what it is with them trying to execute it on Craigslist.
  16. Seriously - if it's possible to make a decent amount of money from it, I do think it's something that's worth considering.
  17. I'd buy the first ticket to watch that. It's going to be one hell of last stand fight but I'm actually going to expecting a survivor.
  18. Seriously - It's such a big shame that a game like Cyberpunk 2077 which had good hopes when it came out ended up this way.
  19. Seriously - It's actually a bizarre thing to do with that because from all indications, Bluetooth technology should be must for it.
  20. Yeah - it's actually going to matter to a lot of gamers with having Capcom get those game IPs.
  21. Seriously - They did really went too far from how they went about it. Once the investigation gets completed, there is a possibility of some getting jail time.
  22. Seriously - I'm painstakingly counting down to November 5th in anticipation for the release. I really don't want to be disappointed.
  23. What's your take on this top 10 best Skyrim mod?
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