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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Exactly - it's actually part of the reasons why some games really sold well with the use of the graphics then.
  2. Heatman

    Until Dawn

    Once the choices have good impact in the ending of the game, it's definitely going to be an interesting play and vice versa.
  3. Heatman


    Yeah - In the end it's all about the money they are going to be making from any of their projects.
  4. It's basically the mutants having one power or another that they can manipulate very easily. It's not something new.
  5. I would say that EA is probably rich enough not to care anymore and still be in business because of their fanbase.
  6. Sadly, this is actually the pattern most of the these game companies follow. Along the line, what used to matter to them becomes worthless.
  7. Heatman


    The truth is that there are quite a good number of who are most likely going to find it fun in a creative way.
  8. Seriously - It's definitely going to be printing dollars 💵 on the bounce without taking their foot off the pedal.
  9. Heatman


    Yeah - You're on point there because the game isn't fast paced that much to be intriguing when it's being played.
  10. When the shooting games is rigged to be in survival horror mode, it's actually the best way that I enjoy it.
  11. Seriously - those monsters are very insanely designed to offer unbelievable experience with the battles that comes from them.
  12. If there ain't cryptocurrency wallet ID, there isn't any way it's going to be possible for them to receive any cryptocurrency payments.
  13. It's actually most of us being in the state of delima because we don't want to leave them but still can't stop with our agitation.
  14. Seriously - It's the only pattern that I have been seeing for a long time now and there isn't any sign they are drifting from it.
  15. From my experience on how market trends goes, it's always difficult to dive back down to lower prices once it's up. They may suspend further increase but maintain the old spot price.
  16. Seriously, there are one's that you wouldn't even be able to crack no matter the level of your smartness and most times it's contributed to a lot of gamers quitting some games along the way.
  17. If it's too complex, it's never going to be something that would frustrate from the onset and believe me frustrating games are one way ticket to migraine.
  18. It's definitely ridiculously insane because immediately I saw the 1000TB the kind of exclamation ❗ I had was even shocking to me 😂.
  19. I actually had good hopes on Sony for a while but they have disappointed me with some practices they get into with how they deal with their customers.
  20. I have been playing Valorant for nearly 2 hours now.
  21. Yeah - it's actually a very good convertible which I'm very sure that most people are going to fancy because of its size.
  22. If the progress that you need to cover from the last save is too far from where you need to access what's behind the closed door, what become of it? Or even if you are so unfortunate not to save, you're dead already.
  23. It's not even only that but in a situation where it's supposed to aid you in wining a game race, it ends up making you loser.
  24. Seriously - when it comes to the menu, it's not necessarily a very big deal but with the car control, it's something that you can't have a workaround. If it's bad, you're doomed.
  25. Seriously - don't be surprised if one shoots up in support of EA and Ubisoft because we really have some people who are really twisted by the way they think.
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