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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I didn't just bond with friends but we became thick as thieves. We skipped school and classes just to get home and play games especially our Playstation 1 then.
  2. I see so much of myself in Rurouni Kenshin. Everything about him seems like my whole life was under microscope and used in making the character.
  3. Seriously - I would never really wish to find myself in such situations living with a game addict. They are prone to drastic meltdowns and can do unthinkable things all because of games.
  4. It's not a choice to begin with because with such choice not impacting in the game in anyway whatsoever, what's the essence of it as a choice?
  5. It's actually why I get to replay some video games because exploring the areas in the game seems to offer a strong sense of connection for me to the game. It happens well with my playing RDR2 over and over again.
  6. Yeah - it's actually very good to be more cautious when it comes to keeping drives that contain sensitive information and not just games.
  7. Personally, my forgetfulness kicks in at least from 1 year upwards. How can I remember the controls after one year, I'm not a robot 😂.
  8. This is Downward Thrust real life experience with gaming addiction. It was so sad listening to what VG addiction did to him.
  9. The market wouldn't be so easy to compromise the initial selling price of the product (Playstation 5) not at least for now because it's them just screwing with the laws of demand and supply.
  10. Which particular Lara Croft's Tomb Raider are you referring to? Maybe I'd check it out and see what's in it for me.
  11. Yeah - it was really a frustrating day for me because I knew how it took to survive losing till the penalty shoot out and still ended up losing.
  12. When it's done in the excess, it's definitely going to bite back at the company one way or another or sooner or later. Definitely, it's going to happen.
  13. Personally, I believe that microtransactions in video games is generally bad no matter how it's put. I saw on YouTube 10 worst microtransactions and I do agree with everything.
  14. Poor timing and know having the information on time would be the challenge here. I'm sure if you had know sooner, you'd have pushed for your refund.
  15. Yeah - You're very correct with the inclusion of Call of Duty games. I'm eagerly waiting for the Call of Duty Vanguard that would be released soon.
  16. You were painstaking building it to be perfectly suited for gaming even though it wasn't your initial plan but it all worked out alright.
  17. It's really a shame that the offer is no longer available. I was going to suggest it to a friend of mine who talked about it some months ago but sadly it's not going to be possible now.
  18. I believe most games that we haven't mastered how to play at our first try is always that way. We get better along the way with many trails.
  19. Oh my!! You hate mathematics like I do. The simplest of calculations gives me migraine. The only math I love to do is counting my money 😂.
  20. Yeah - The game actually looked well improved from what I saw in the launch trailer. Maybe it's going to be my first kind of Jurrasic World games.
  21. Heatman


    I see only building objective and it's not like it's something fun to do anyways. Like do people find that fun to play?
  22. That's awesome - it's the beauty that comes with having more than one gaming platform to use as you don't limited to a particular player.
  23. Then if that's the case with their games, it's actually something that is worth appreciation because you don't get such consistency with a lot of games lately.
  24. I'm pretty sure that it's not too late to still try that now. Just try and see what happens with getting your own refund.
  25. Heatman


    Personally, video games aren't just for passing time for me. If it doesn't offer something more than that, it's going to be hard to get my loyalty.
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