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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously - If that had happened to me for the second time it did to you, I can very well guarantee that I'd brake the game. That's a complete BS.
  2. Seriously - high level of difficulty puzzle games would give you such clues but expect you to figure it out all by yourself.
  3. Yeah - we are all fingers crossed in wait for what happens next with what they have in store for us.
  4. Seriously - I'm over 100% sure that they wouldn't be able to resist not including microtransactions even if they sold the game for $1000.
  5. Are you sure the company behind the game production doesn't have a role to play in the game flopping?
  6. If you really wanted to play it, I'm sure you would have downloaded it by now. Get me download link, let me check if it's still available.
  7. Seriously - I didn't get to play this game on my Playstation 2 and it was taken by my cousin. If it's that cool and available on PS4, I might give it a try.
  8. Heatman


    Seriously - For the fact that it's like Minecraft is the last nail in the coffin ⚰ for it where I'm concerned.
  9. Well, everything is going to depend on what company that's doing the TV series.
  10. Seriously - that's very annoying because it's definitely going to keep costing you the race most of the time.
  11. Speedy Minis. They are fantastic in all sense of direction.
  12. Alright mate. I'd be looking forward to having your feedback on the song. I really hope you like it.
  13. Yeah - The red color 507 looks intimidating. Red color is very scary for me. I don't have much of stuffs that comes in that color.
  14. Damn - I can't believe that I forgot Hotmail!! Is it still functional now? I learnt about it together with MySpace, I'm not sure if that one too is still functional.
  15. Yeah - I think that it's actually possible to get a refund. A lot of gamers already got their own for the game.
  16. For me, once sentiments are objectively directed towards achieving a good goal, it's totally acceptable to me but once it's wayward, it's not for me.
  17. Seriously - I wasn't even aware when I threw the controllers out of shock. The loss was really heartbreaking for me.
  18. Seriously - It's actually the frustration that comes with playing puzzle games that drove me far away from playing them.
  19. Yeah - if it offers a sense of fun and reward in the end, it's definitely worth the play but it's level of difficulty shouldn't be too much.
  20. Let's see if they would ever have the thought of making such games in a way that we would enjoy very well.
  21. The world will definitely not be the same again after this pandemic. We all thought it was all a joke in the beginning till it started showing us with how it impacted all lives, businesses etc in a very negative way.
  22. I'd be getting my own Playstation 5 sooner rather than later. At least in the next 2 to 3 months I should have it.
  23. There are normal addiction and crazy addiction. It's those extreme addicts that put almost their lives in whatever they are addicted to.
  24. Heatman


    Personally, I never really liked anything that's linked to Minecraft. My gaming experience with it was horrible, so I'm not sure if I would be open to this game.
  25. Seriously - you can't really fault one for trying to be careful because when such acts backfires, it never ends well for his working career.
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