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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. 2 hours ago, skyfire said:

    I noticed android has new messages app which shows the HTML and images into the SMS now a days. 

    and these rummy apps are showing ads by sending you those flashy SMS. 

    What's the name of the android  message app? I haven't really come across it yet. It looks like something that's going to be nice. 

  2. 22 minutes ago, Withywarlock said:

    I myself have not, but the food would be as good as the ingredients, measurements and the temperature you're going to cook them at. The book can't make them taste better than your ability to follow their instructions (and it's not like they're particularly perculiar dishes either). I'm sure my stepmum would have been able to immediately say what will and won't work because she's had more cookery experience than I have years being alive. I might have to try some next week and get back to you on that, though. I need to get back into baking.

    This is all assuming I can get the ingredients anyway. A lot of the stuff in some of the earlier books, namely the WoW cookbook, required things that are rare or non-existant in the UK, and if you substitute too much it ends up tasting completely different to the author's intentions.

    I can barely do a video of talking in front of a camera without a script, how I'd do a cookery video I've no idea.

    Cooking isn't for everyone, it's only few people who are well versed in learning the art that does it very well. Cooking is an art for me because one starts with a different thing and comes up with another output. 

    Ps. You can either use a tripod to hold your phone if it's what you prefer to video with.

  3. 5 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    Trust me, PS3 is not in any way "old school" or "classic". It's way too new.

    Whoever says Playstation 3 is a new game console probably didn't play Atari Jaguar, Neo Geo, Super Nintendo and SEGA versions. 

  4. 5 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    I've got Beavis & Butthead on both Sega and SNES, and I have to say that the Sega version is leaps and bounds better than the SNES version. In every way it's a better game. There's not a lot of games that were released on both systems that I would say that about, but B&B is definitely one.

    Yeah of course, Sega version was far way more better than SNES version. It was crystal clear with how most Sega games turned out to be. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Patrik said:

    not really fully covered, there are lot of titles such as Dirt that i'm not interested in playing at all!

    Yeah - Dirt is good racing game too but it never beat how good Need for Speed genre was. NFS offered a lot more than what Dirt did. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Patrik said:

    they aren't dying off, they died already, atleast here, i'm not able to see them anywhere unfortunately, i hope i can get one for myself real soon

    I think that there is a possibility it may still be available in some other parts of the world. The only problem is that the pandemic didn't really do it any favors. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Darth said:

    I was going to say the same thing. I've never played the game but having a look at their subreddit, it seems that there are people that have enjoyed the game. But it is a mess of a game with how many things were rushed and how many big features were removed to allow them to release it on time.

    Yeah, the level of satisfaction the game Cyberpunk 2077 gives is unbelievable, you can imagine what it would have brought to the table if it was fully done the right way. 

  8. 25 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    I was irritated about the whole Colonial Marines game because it was indeed misleading but what else could you expect from Randy Pitchford? He's a known scumbag in the gaming industry for lying all the time and being a dick to almost everyone who works with/under him. It must be said though that the DMC reboot has been the bane of my existence - as a dedicated DMC fan, I've never played that game and no one could convince me to do it because it was like a spit in the face.

    Randy Pitchford isn't going to be the first or the last of his kind when it comes to gaming industry. It's a shame that when you look up to some of them, they all end up disappointing you completely. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    That is historically accurate. Honestly, I like detailed character creation systems because I want my characters to fit a certain look - One of them usually is normally a replica of myself so I don't mind it being as detailed as possible.

    Seriously when a character looks odd and off, it's not always interesting and entertaining to play him or her. It's a big thing for me when it comes to characters make up. 

  10. Just now, killamch89 said:

    Auto Save could be turned on for all I know but I'd still save a million times because it's a habit that I've developed over the course of two decades. I know how unlucky I am in games so I save at every opportunity I get.

    Exactly, it's a reflex with all video games players when it comes to saving. There is no amount of save that would make you to relax and say it's okay not to save again. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Darth said:

    Only in the future if they ever force us to go digital and physical games are not a thing anymore. Until then, I won't buy an all digital console, no matter the price difference (unless it was free obviously :p). I just save so much money by buying physical discs.

    The challenges that most people face with all digital games is one of the biggest set backs in picking the game over its physical component. Maybe in the future, it's going to be the only way to play. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

    Gi Joe for adults. It could be incredible if done right. There are hundreds of Joe and Cobra characters, with female and male alike, animals as companions, military, ninjas, terrorism, government, spies, best technology, base, vehicles. Imagine all the gear and weapons to customize characters. You could control a team in infiltration or solo. I can't imagine what it could be like playing as the ninja Snake Eyes and what abilities he could have. Or a strong man like Roadblock carrying a .50 on his shoulder. There are androids, space troopers, deep sea, air, all branches of military including first line responders, and tech savvy. Snipers and saboteurs, medics, weapons supplier, evil doctors, hybrid human containing DNA of all conquerors, who wants to control the world. You name it. I'm waiting for the day Gi Joe will be made into a grown up game with a serious tone to it. The story could really be amazing. I guess it's one of those things too big to be done right. Even the movies weren't as I wish it would be. It would be the ultimate game if done the way I imagine. 

    You meant like the Gi Joe in the movie? I'm not sure if there was ever a video game about it, if there was then I must have missed it out completely. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

    I have a Sega Genesis, and have enjoyed playing it a lot. I have some good games. I enjoy the hell out of it. I also have both of the gen1 and gen2 Sega models. I'll post a stock image of both of them after I post my games list.


    Beavis & Butthead
    Ghouls 'N Ghosts
    Jurassic Park
    Pitfall The Mayan Adventure
    Risky Woods
    Shining In The Darkness
    Sonic 1,2
    Sonic & Knuckles
    Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition
    Toy Story






    Seriously, the SEGA consoles offered a great deal of games back then which were so unique in their own way. 

    Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition was a very good one we took turns to play back then with my friends. 

  14. 2 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    I'm not joking. I wish I was. But that's the good thing about NES games. The difficulty and uniqueness of the games can make them a multiple decades long challenge. I may be dead for 100 years and reincarnated as a squirrel before I beat the dirty bastard. But I will at some point.

    Wow - As long as it doesn't get the gamer frustrated with playing it, then it's definitely a worthy challenge that you would like to keep getting back to. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Razor1911 said:

    I am also a fan of their games, but not going to be blind to whatever they do. Obviously, they had done some stupid things, and that should be condemned. But, I personally think they should come with better games to cover up their misdeeds.

    Seriously - It's still a very big problem for them as they are mostly hooked up to money now than making videos games in a way its going to worth gamers money and not get too greedy with microtransactions. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Razor1911 said:

    The stealth genre is really top class. I have played hitman, Tom Clancy's Ghost recon and some other games, these are top rated games in stealth category. I was quite addicted to such games during college days. 😌

    At least, there wasn't anything to worry about your addiction back then as it's not an addiction that came in a happy way. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

    How are the developers supposed to get in touch with gamers if not the big gaming sites? A lot of those reviews from those gaming sites usually don't represent how I feel about games. Maybe developers should have their own fan based site and hope for constructive criticism. But I don't think it would help. Like everything, it would get overrun by irrational people. 

    Exactly - it's actually a very big challenge because there is always a possibility of having biased opinions and also how our individual differences will impact one's opinion. 

  18. 1 hour ago, Razor1911 said:

    So you mean completely eliminating the virus and then life the lockdown? Practically it is impossible. Even if one single person is infected, he can spread a new chain of breakout again. Even a foreigner entering infected can also create a new chain. 

    Seriously - The challenge posed by the virus isn't funny to the world but I'm very sure that with how possible it was to get the first vaccine, they would still be able to produce another. 

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