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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I'd say that location or country would go a long way in determining if Arcades would make a successful comeback but that doesn't change the fact that the pandemic had a big impact on it.
  2. Seriously - A yoga pose or even squat would do a great job for both male and female gamers. Are they really kidding me with that kind of research? Yes, some games can get you to sweat when you are under pressure but not anything close to what they came up with.
  3. Aren't you guys taking this a little bit too far? Opinions are bound to be respected to me whether it's what one likes or not. Let's try to be guided.
  4. It's actually one of the innovative benefits that comes with video game and I'm quite impressed someone is taking advantage of it to impact positively in the lives of people.
  5. I actually think it's a pattern most of them all copy when things aren't going their way. Taking responsibility is one of their biggest weaknesses and I don't see it changing anytime soon.
  6. Personally, I'm among the set of gamers that are of the opinion that Spider-Man: Miles Morales is quite way too easy and predictable with regards to what we expected from it.
  7. Far Cry 5 is one game that I could easily recommend that gives more of what you got in playing The Last Of Us. It sets the protagonist (The Deputy) on a wild mission in Montana to put an end to reign of terror by religious fanatic.
  8. Currently, I can't really get enough of playing Final Fantasy 7 Remake till date. It's among the most unappreciated JRPG games of all time.
  9. Star Wars: Battlefront II is my favorite of all star wars video games. The storyline and narrative together with the graphics was perfect for my liking.
  10. Seriously, with the mess up of the old Silent Hill, a new better and improved Silent Hill wouldn't be a bad idea.
  11. It's definitely going to be Bloodborne: The Card Game for me. I don't usually like card games but this one is an exception for me.
  12. There is a kind of pain and sorrow that I feel in the soundtrack of Deus Ex - Human Revolution Icarus that makes me love the song.
  13. Only one game comes to mind for me to recommend for you and it's Deux Ex. I can very well guarantee that you're definitely going love it.
  14. That's my own SEGA console back then and I really enjoyed playing The Punisher and WWF with it.
  15. Of course yes, I do play Call of Duty games. I'm already looking forward to the new release Call of Duty Vanguard that comes out soon.
  16. There are so many video games that offers amazing gaming world but amongst them all, it's Cyberpunk 2077 that stood out uniquely for me.
  17. Personally for me, it's a no-no for me playing in easy level in any kind of video games because I don't really learn anything in the process which makes it a complete waste of time.
  18. Seriously, I believe that The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway which had a storyline about World War 1 veteran whose war injury rendered him impotent was trying to find a way to enjoy living post the war would make an incredible video game.
  19. Personally, I love adventure open world games, survival horror and some shooting games. This cover just about everything I like to play in video games.
  20. Seriously - The constant thought of did I save my progress and having the urge to save over again and again is innate. You can't really save enough especially if you have auto save turned off.
  21. You'd very surprised what women can crave especially when they are pregnant. Maybe you have knocked her up without knowing already 😂. As long as the meals can be prepared, I'd be very open to eating it.
  22. 20 years ago, I wouldn't really be bothered about how game graphics impacted on my perception about the game but with what influence the recent close to real life game graphics have progressed, I find it very hard adjusting to games with poor quality graphics.
  23. BioShock 1 offers one hell of good player epilogue with the way it straightened up details about the protagonist life. I'd like to have more games copy such pattern.
  24. I'm actually still looking forward to Battlefield 2042 getting released. I just hope they don't end up having a lot of gamers like disappointed in waiting.
  25. Age of Conan is one that still gave me that feeling with how much games have changed recently, it's still kind of interesting to me in a way.
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