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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. 16 hours ago, StaceyPowers said:

    Sometimes I meet people I wouldn’t hesitate to call “gamers” who have a hard time calling themselves such for various reasons, i.e. “But I only play one game all the time,” or “I don’t play new games.” I almost feel like this reminds me of “impostor syndrome.” Does anyone here feel like they have a sort of gamer impostor syndrome?

    There are some particular games that I keep playing over and over again no minding how many years I have played it. But it doesn't really stop me from playing new games if I find it interesting. 

  2. 15 hours ago, StaceyPowers said:

    Having just started playing PS4/PS5 games, I feel a deep loathing for the whole “tap vs. hold” control scheme. It just doubles the executive function challenges I deal with. Do you love or loathe these types of controls?


    When it's very challenging to make use of in a particular game play is what makes it annoying to me. It should offer better gaming experience and not make it difficult for you. 

  3. 13 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    Considering that I have been trying for more than 30 years to beat this damn game I have to say Legacy Of The Wizard. It's a great game, but enough to make you want to put a gun barrel in your mouth.

    Are you seriously kidding me with 30 years of a particular game play and still yet to beat it. It must really irk you whenever you get back to the game. 

  4. 4 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    Well they do have some pretty hardcore fanbois that will defend them to the death so they think that most of us have that same kind of unwavering loyalty which really isn't the case.

    Exactly - It's one of the biggest challenges that faces us in such situation. No matter what one says, they have got a good number of backers, so they keep doing what they do. 

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