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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. 2 hours ago, Razor1911 said:

    That's nice. I have checked their website. Why the games prices are so low. I find it something fishy, Battlefield V costing less than 10 bucks, cyberpunk less than 30 bucks. That's a huge discount. Have you used or downloaded any AAA games from there?

    Personally, I don't doubt anything they put up on their website because they are as legit as it comes. I got Final Fantasy 7 Remake from it. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Razor1911 said:

    5G will be even costlier. We don't have 5g connection as of yet, but I am sure the carrier charges will be sky-high. It will be impossible to download such a large files. Ultimately, the cost of bandwidth will cross that of a hardcopy. 😁


    Well, if you have free Wi-Fi internet connection, you wouldn't really have much to worry about. It's only when you pay for data like some African countries do that it will cost you a lot more. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Razor1911 said:

    Oh. You reminded me my school days. I used to draw many characters of the games that I played. Like super Mario and Nina turtles. But, after my college days, I never picked up drawing again. 😄

    Yeah - I got into that too and it's not only game characters that I drew but also some of the movies characters that I liked. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Family sedan said:

    I drew a picture of Thumper's car from Twisted Metal 2 in an old science notebook.  It was one dimensional, I don't know how to draw in more than one dimension.

    I'm not really good at drawing, although I tried it multiple times when I was still a teenager trying to draw a movie but it never ended well. 

  5. 5 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    That's without counting the fact I also have portable Mozilla Firefox as well aside from the regular one.

    Seriously - I never really liked that browser Mozilla Firefox and internet explorer. They don't give me the vibe whenever I'm making use of it. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Razor1911 said:

    Well, only one game is coming to my mind is subway surfers and temple run. These are mobile games, but are very boring. Don't know why so many people are fan of it. There is no objective or goal, just you have to run and collect coins. Even, I will also include minecraft in that list. 

    Haha, I actually enjoyed playing that game subway surfers and temple run when I was a lot younger. I used to link it up with my Facebook and play with friends to drag top scorer. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Razor1911 said:

    Yeah such frustration eventually develops in everyone's mind. But that should not so intense that you can't even control it. Game is a way of entertainment, we should take that too seriously and take stress. We should act rationale here. 

    Seriously - I do not really know or understand why some people would abuse gaming to the point of it becoming an issue for them and even those they associate with. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Razor1911 said:

    Well, I guess VR is not as successful as yet. People still are not going for it. Obviously it is a groundbreaking technological advancement, but needs more of fixes and upgrades. It is the future of gaming, no doubt on that. 

    Yeah - they are still trying to get it perfect but also I think that even the cost of it together with them still upgrading it makes people not jump into it fully yet. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, skyfire said:

    Looks basic design but something like this is worth long term wise. 

    Yeah - it's a very simple mouse 🖱 that almost every one can easily make use of unlike those hybrid mouse. 

  10. 5 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    So true and the amount of data they gather on you is seriously frightening - all you have to do is going to your account activity section and you'd see the tons of data Google has about you.

    Wow - seriously I have never really bothered about this till now. I'm definitely checking it out but it's not like I'm going to stop using for it. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, skyfire said:

    Trustrank and many other similar trust specific review and rating platforms are kind of problematic due to manipulation of the reviews. 

    Yeah - That's true some extent because I have seen some situations where websites owners asks their visitors to give them good reviews on the reviews website. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Razor1911 said:

    That is surely a good idea. I remember, such scenario was with Battlefield Vietnam, where guerrilla fights were given the main focus. Obviously, that was not as you have explained, but at that time of 2000s, what we can expect more. 

    Seriously, that would be something they could make in a unique way that any gamer would enjoy to play. I'm looking at them having something with the touch of Franco-Prussian War developed. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Razor1911 said:

    Yeah, it is important to ensure that the pets remain at a safer distance. I have placed PS4 at a height which is not reachable by the my doggo that easily. Even after playing games, I put my controller in drawers so that he can't play with it. 😂

    I have seen where cats climb shelves and drag stuffs down and even some dogs too. It's all about how you allow your pet to behave that will entirely determine whether it stays calm at home. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    Okay, this is ridiculous - I wouldn't have known this if they didn't say anything. What point are they trying to make here? Do they honestly think that'll get them off the hook?


    Seriously, there is no amount of trying to bury evidence would save them from facing the music. With all this happening, it's very clear that they knew exactly what they were doing. 

  15. Just now, killamch89 said:

    Agreed - if only other companies such as CDPR would learn to delay the game until it's properly functioning and full polished. This is how companies maintain/gain more fans and build loyalty for their titles.

    Seriously, with what happened with Cyberpunk 2077, in as much as how things panned out, if the company had stick to what they were supposed to do, the game would have been a major hit. 

  16. 32 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    Yeah - there's that Mario Kart game where you can basically set up gates in your own home and turn in into a Mario Kart track.

    Yeah - it's actually kind of fun with the game back then, although I moved on from it a lot quicker than I spent time with it. 

  17. 27 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    Yeah - you have to teach them from a young age what is off limits so that they won't touch it...

    Exactly. It's how my Jack was brought up and till date, he never disappointed me with both his indoor and outdoor behavior. 

  18. 19 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    You really have to dedicate time to it only if you want to get anywhere in Dark Souls and to take breaks, you have to beat whatever objective and save at the hearth and turn off your game. 

    Exactly - Dark Souls isn't a game you play with less than 90% concentration and commitment because it's going to throw you out of balance with how your adversaries come at you. 

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