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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I actually believe that most GTA fans really enjoy the game like that nonetheless even with the differences.
  2. Yeah, the discount that comes with digital copies is something that might push me into getting it as well but the challenges of having a scratched disc is not cool.
  3. The truth of the matter is that the parents had work to do just like your parents did on your behalf in order to help the kid. I think your having a group circle that help you as well is a very good strategy too. What really gave you the idea?
  4. I believe that in most cases gamers would easily pick out the thumb 👍 because it's the one that is more visible to notice quickly. Let me ask, no one ever had their eyes strained so much they begin to hurt and drop tears?
  5. Wow, this looks absolutely explosive. The first thing that came to my mind seeing that sword ⚔ was The Excalibur.
  6. When I was a teenager, I actually didn't own anyone but always get to check out one's in game store in my neighborhood.
  7. Before I got my own Playstation 1, I used to skip school just to stay at my friend's house and play all day long ; then get punished when I get to school the following day.
  8. Why in the world would I get charged $100 for light bills? I'm not running any kind of business with electricity to be getting that kind of bill. I'd sue the company immediately.
  9. I don't think the dark atmosphere of some games that I played spooked me at all. It only makes the game hard to play because of poor visual output.
  10. Heatman


    It's pretty much like a copy of CSGO which the latter is far more better to play in my opinion because of better game storyline.
  11. Seriously, there were time when my thumb hurt like hell and not just ordinary soreness. I had to look for ways dampen the control.
  12. They are good if you like making use of the analog control. At least, it helps to keep your thumb well protected.
  13. Normally, when everywhere is calm and quiet in the night, I don't usually get distracted at most people are asleep. Also using my headsets does the trick for me too.
  14. I can't begin to explain how much glitches and buys breaks any gaming immersion for me no matter how much I love the game. It's a complete turn off for me.
  15. It's actually something that has happened to me in the past but luckily there was auto save, so I didn't lose much progress.
  16. When these prebuilts have a lot of issues that makes it substandard like its power supply, it's not entirely safe in my opinion.
  17. Yeah, it's very important that when it comes video games, everything should be in proper balance ; be it graphics, characters, storyline etc.
  18. Both online and offline, I'm not a fan of either one. When a game is way too easy for me to play, it loses the fun for me.
  19. Seriously, cheat codes annoys me very much and I never like making use of it or play against anyone who uses them.
  20. Seriously, when it comes to the future, anything and everything is possible. When it comes to tech, it can always get more better than it is now.
  21. Yeah, that's a fact. It's not possible for all to fan and love one particular movie. Have fun watching mate.
  22. It's actually my very first time of hearing about Rayman. From what you explained about the game, I'm going to check it out on YouTube.
  23. I never really enjoyed watching that movie House of Cards. Even though the storyline seems interesting to some people, it didn't click well with me.
  24. Black Mirror Bandersnatch was awesome in every sense for me with the young programmer's dabble with reality.
  25. If you have any idea how difficult it was for me to complete Dark Souls, I don't really know how to get over that feeling till today. It was an awesome experience.
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