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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. If anyone can really make The Black Mirror happen, it's definitely going to be Charlie Brooker. I think if the right pressure points are pushed, it's definitely going to happen.
  2. That says it all mate. The level of gaming knowledge shared on the platform don't come easy anywhere.
  3. Yeah, it's actually why some people prefer digital copies but there is a check point in getting digital copies - how good your internet connection is.
  4. I wouldn't ever forget my old friend Maxwell, he's just like that when it comes to taking achievements seriously. They don't mean much to him.
  5. Seriously, the fun never gets old whenever I'm playing Oblivion. Some games are well made to thrill you all the time.
  6. Who doesn't pay for Netflix these days? I think it's on my number one expenses on monthly basis.
  7. Seriously, no matter how many times I played and replay Dark Souls, it always feels like it's my first time at it.
  8. Let's see how it goes, maybe by next month, I will yet get into GTA once again.
  9. Aren't we here to learn and help ourselves get better in enjoying our favorite games more ; learn about new games to get into?
  10. Yeah, there are some gamers who are not freaked by game achievements. In fact, they don't even know when they get them.
  11. Yeah, that could be the case or just bugs. Although, disc scratches are very common in messing up the game.
  12. Seriously, I would never get myself into such mix up and for what? I'm no longer a kid not to know when I'm being cheated.
  13. Yeah, in forum discussion when you follow some members who knows their games very well, you are bound to learn a lot from them.
  14. Yeah, a lot of things are actually affecting shipping costs especially with the case of Corona virus.
  15. Alright, mate. Just take your time and get the best deals out of spending your cryptocurrency on games.
  16. I'm very sure that there must have been a lot of complaints about that to their support, so let's see what happens or what they do.
  17. Yeah, there is no argument on some people loving and enjoying playing Minecraft. It's totally normal.
  18. Seriously, it's actually why it tops the list among the most difficult and hard videos games.
  19. Seriously, you guys are awesome with the way you make sure to get sweet deals and not just throw money around.
  20. It's quite cheap then. If I'm ever in need for such or a new keyring, I would most likely be getting it for myself.
  21. You just hit a nerve there with me on Minecraft like 3D. There is absolutely nothing about it that I fancy at all.
  22. Seriously, there are kind of games that if you don't really have the full concentration and focus to play, you won't progress at all.
  23. There isn't much to it but I think that it's because of his emo. I get annoyed with his frequent mental breakdown.
  24. I'm already thrilled for the fact that I have decided to go for the Launcher. It's only a matter of time till it's done and dusted.
  25. Seriously, I have had several cases of these malwares in applications from Google Play Store. They are quite frustrating.
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