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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. This is one of the things that I really miss so much from older games that aren't in the new ones. I wonder why these new games can't copy such formats as well?
  2. Seriously, it's really a big shame that I never got it when it's very easy to get unlike now. Hopefully, I would get it sooner rather than later.
  3. I actually never really hated anything about Zelda II. I really enjoyed every single bit of play that I had invested in playing the game.
  4. I actually saw it coming from John Marston that he's not going to trustworthy in the end and he later proved it.
  5. As much as I love and enjoyed playing Assassin’s Creed, I have actually fallen so deep in love with Ghost of Tsushima as the game thrills me on a whole different level.
  6. Seriously, it's a good business strategy that they are making use of if you want to have some relief 😌 when you are playing by getting to spend a little bit more on the game.
  7. Wow, that's awesome. I would actually like to have that among my collections too. How much did you get the keyring?
  8. Exactly, I'd go to any length in getting a video game that is recommended by a very close friend who knows exactly what I love to play.
  9. If that's the case, then it's definitely going to more costly considering the transportation/logistics fees.
  10. Yes, Joltfun accept Bitcoin transactions. It's even written in their homepage. https://joltfun.com/
  11. Exactly, it's actually why I said earlier that they weren't that transparent as it's quite misleading if you don't take time to read in between the line.
  12. I'm pretty sure that there quite a good number of people who loves Minecraft games. My brother's wife loves playing it, so it's not that bad although I don't like it.
  13. Well, I'm not really surprised that the charges were dropped because it was clearly obvious in as much as it should have been dealt with properly, it wasn't going to hold much water.
  14. Haha, that's very serious. Well, it's family first over any other thing in this world as far as I'm concerned. Do take care of yourself and your family mate.
  15. When they purchase the prebuilts as a result of their ignorance, I don't really think it's their fault entirely which is why the ban on prebuilts is very important.
  16. They probably had it all mixed up in GTA V which led it to having that outcome. They probably didn't observe how they got it right in GTA IV.
  17. They do know it's definitely not good for their business which is why they pulled out because they would lose more again.
  18. Sunday's are my good time for gaming unless I have an important appointment that I can't drag to my home, then I will be forced to go out.
  19. Seriously, it's not cut out for me no matter what they do or experiment to make such a game. If it comes with Volvo name, I'm out ASAP.
  20. It's actually why it's against the law for a police to question a minor all alone without the parents or guardian in the same room. But on this case, didn't the parent fail at their job already?
  21. Yeah, it's most likely going to be almost the same thing, since the console is coming from one company and not a third party seller.
  22. Well, it's a shame that they are yet to be accepting cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) for their transactions. Hopefully, they will soon.
  23. Yeah, feedbacks are very good motivators for you to get any game that you never played or have doubts over.
  24. They just need to be more transparent is what's most important to me. If all the facts are clear, then no one would have any issues.
  25. That's a pretty awesome game that drew its inspiration from the Four horsemen of Apocalypse. I can't believe I forgot about the game.
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