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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously, it's always difficult at hard levels but the more you play, the better you can get at it.
  2. I actually just checked it out on Amazon and it's almost $40. But if you say it's a good one, then it's not too expensive.
  3. Yeah, it's definitely going to be a very thrilling feeling getting to watch those cats play a huge role in a fight because they are going to be nasty.
  4. Please say no more as I'm definitely getting it probably between today or tomorrow depending on how my today's programs are shaped.
  5. Then, I'm in for a blast because I'm definitely going to be changing my current launcher by this weekend.
  6. Even if it's water proof resistant, I'm definitely not going to try it out for any reason whatsoever 😂.
  7. Seriously, it's what we wake up to see the great country becoming over the past few years and it's getting worse by the day.
  8. I love Sub-Zero's mask on seriously, it gives me the chills seeing him in his complete set.
  9. At least if you can give 5 hours in a week combined, I believe it's not too bad. You can play a little before going to bed or only during weekends.
  10. As far as I'm concerned, Microsoft had wasted their precious time with publishing the game because I'm never getting it.
  11. Well, you can decide not to buy upgrades if you don't want but it's going to make it very difficult for you to complete the game.
  12. Over here, it's £499.99 and £359.99 for digital copy.
  13. I'm not sure if Amazon accepts cryptocurrency transactions. I haven't tried finding out yet but if they do, it's definitely cool.
  14. It's my favorite beer 🍻 Heineken that I have its keyring and it looks so cool. I think I got it for $5.
  15. I haven't played it yet. Although I think I have seen it somewhere probably at a friend's place but I can't remember correctly.
  16. Seriously, I hate misleading information especially designed to drag people and then provide another total information.
  17. Yeah, it's from online store that I purchased it from for $15. I was actually scared it won't be good looking.
  18. Well for some gamers it's the breaking point for them as they feel it's no longer relevant to keep on playing.
  19. You actually know what the media are capable of doing with twisting news headlines in other to sell more peppers. It's probably what they did here.
  20. Yeah, you did. It's a horrible game with just the game. With the name alone, I'm never playing it.
  21. There is no denying that we would never get over our favorite game no matter what. It's actually why it's called our favorite.
  22. Seriously, I'd shutdown my PC immediately and look for something better to do or even move to mobile gaming if I really need to play at the time.
  23. Heatman


    And I'm sure if there was a leak in your VPN, it's going to disconnect your game immediately. What VPN did you use for it?
  24. It's actually a very good one if you have stable internet network to play for fun whenever you want without lags.
  25. I'm sure you will find something classy that would be equally good for your gaming too if you're into mobile gaming.
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