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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. So, you wouldn't find the joker character interesting as he's also dressed in clown ๐Ÿคก costume?
  2. Exactly, it's actually what it's supposed to once it's something to do with glitches. I really hate that crap in video games.
  3. Seriously, it was my question as well because the 20 hours quote really shocked ๐Ÿ˜ฒ me big time. I will struggle with 10 hours in a day.
  4. Yeah, the game really have a way to always make me happy with all the chase and all. It's very good.
  5. In most cases, I don't really like an easy boss fight. In fact, it's more boring for me when it's too easy than when it's too hard and takes longer time to kill the bosses.
  6. Mr runner ๐Ÿƒ ๐Ÿ˜‚, well the strategy did worked for you anyways. I wonder why you are looking for another fighting strategy when you already have a feasible one?
  7. All I can think of when watching the trailer is Corona virus pro max ๐Ÿ˜‚. I don't want to go further because the world really suffered from it.
  8. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten the opportunity to play this Valorant yet, but if it's such a good one according to you, then I will consider playing it.
  9. American football is a very combative sports to the best of my knowledge. I don't even know between it and rugby which is more physical.
  10. Heatman

    PS5 info

    That's definitely a good price offer for pre-order. It's all about having the cash available at the time of pre-order to be able to take advantage of it.
  11. There are so many of them which mine are ; Forgotten Names Kyne's Sacred Trials The Ghost of Old Hroldan The Book of Love
  12. If you are recommending it since you have already played it with good feedback, then I'm open to getting it and play as well.
  13. Heatman

    Legaia 2

    Seriously, for the fact that it's only on Playstation 2 is why I haven't played it yet because I gave away my PS2. If it comes to PS4, I'm definitely getting it.
  14. Yeah, it's building. Once you get a hang of it, I'm very sure that other things will come to you naturally when playing.
  15. Some video games series are designed in a way that you can start out from any series of it and really enjoy and understand it.
  16. It's actually a very good adventure and investigating horror video game and also an open world game. It's sold $39.99 on steam.
  17. Me... Woefully. I'm never going to post my results because it's shameful ๐Ÿ˜‚.
  18. I'm not really sure why he had to put himself through such agonizing pain when it's actually possible to record the voice.
  19. Yeah, it's a good buy. I haven't played Gran Turismo 6 since last month. Maybe I should knock it up this night.
  20. It's actually not that easy for most hardcore gamers because if it were possible, a lot of gamers would have moved on.
  21. Haha, I just poked you where you loves being touched. My good Gran Turismo lover.
  22. It's all about the best time to kill him that matters most and it's best to kill him after he opens the door to his personal chamber in Olympus Heights.
  23. Exactly, it's how it works with me with video games that really gives me job. I already know you love Gran Turismo a lot ๐Ÿ˜‚.
  24. What did you really find difficult about controlling them? They run too fast for you to control the pace or something?
  25. It's a very satisfying video game BioShock: The Collection, I'm sure I had the same feelings when I started it out and still replay it once in a while.
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