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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously, it's definitely going affect your eyes and health generally. It's not a safe way to gaming.
  2. Most times when such consoles are in high demand, it usually goes out of stock as quickly as possible.
  3. You can still search active links to download it if you really want to get the ringtone for yourself.
  4. I'm actually considering it and if by my maths it pans out in the favor of trying it out, then I will.
  5. Yeah the car is awesome. I have actually played with it a few times and I did enjoyed every bit of a ride in it.
  6. I might feel bad a little when I lose especially when I know I had everything under control till the moment I start losing it but it's only going to last for a short while.
  7. I hate short tracks no matter how good I'm with the race. It frustrates me as well as annoys because with the quick turning, I feel like throwing up.
  8. I believe that in most cases they enable the skip feature because it's definitely going to be very boring if they take away that choice.
  9. Actually in racing games, you can't really eliminate completely going off track or through short cuts.
  10. Exactly, it's enough reason for me to not mind going through the stress all over again because it adds to my resources.
  11. Yeah exactly, they did put up a good rivalry but I believe that Need for Speed actually came out on top.
  12. There was a video that circulated online few years ago about Samsung devices blowing up. I'm not really sure if it's as result of battery malfunction.
  13. Seriously, there is no amount of love that I have for any video games that would get me hooked up for such long hours.
  14. Yeah, there was a friend of mine who actually threw the pad controller on the floor with the intense vibration because he never saw it coming.
  15. Personally, I don't really think that he's taking the game that serious because if he did, he should have finished it by now.
  16. Yeah, all we can do is hope that they actually change with their policies because it's really hurting us gamers big time.
  17. Yeah, it's awesome. I love it more than I actually expected and it's why I did downloaded it immediately.
  18. Yeah, it's definitely not worth the time believe me because there are more netter ways to enjoy these games right now.
  19. Seriously, it's what I believe that they should make a priority for because in the end, they are making their work harder for themselves.
  20. If it's something that interests me, I would definitely give into paying for it but at least for now, I'm not moved for it.
  21. Exactly, it goes with the quote that the greatest harm is can come from the best intentions.
  22. Yeah, you're absolutely right about the remake of Final Fantasy 7 being a great one. I really enjoy it.
  23. Exactly, if you over rush it, you are definitely going to miss out a lot of things in the game.
  24. I have actually played on a friend's Playstation 5 console and I must admit that it's an awesome experience.
  25. Seriously, I don't find it interesting to be very honest with you. What's the need for rush? Like I have to stress my life for everything.
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