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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously, they completely butchered Harry Potter game with its adaptation compared to the initial story. I felt like they didn't really plan on making it unique.
  2. Aren't stingy or too selfish 😂? There are some people who aren't used to gaming with PC. I think it's best to have it balanced and made available on both gaming platforms.
  3. Have you ever killed innocent women and children in a cruel way? It's what I felt in from Spec Ops with the massacre of innocent civilians with the use of White Phosphorus. I haven't gotten over that yet.
  4. The question is how are supposed to complete the mission when you are supposed to kill and you're still made not to kill in order not to affect the character's personality? I think they had things mixed up in there by the developers.
  5. At least it's a worth it experience for you and there is always a very good chance of it influencing your decision to pre-order again ; I'm never writing that off.
  6. There is definitely a possibility that they got a lot bad reviews on what went on Playstation 3 with Skyrim which is why they tried more on fixing the problem in PS4. I'm sure if they hadn't, most people would really dump the game for good.
  7. Seriously, I don't really enjoy having that responsibility on my shoulders especially when the group is too excessive to manage.
  8. That part got me cracking up with long laugh. Now, you got how I felt at one point in time with his poking but it's all fun by the way to me. If you both are gonna fight, I'm the referee calling the shots here 😂.
  9. There may be more people who stopped at 202, there is no way it's going to be only 2 people.
  10. I never really got to play any of The Walking Dead games even though I actually bought some of them myself.
  11. Maybe they didn't publicize it that much which is why most people didn't get to hear or know about it. That might be the reason because I never got to hear about it till now.
  12. Seriously, I don't owe anyone any explanation for the kind of game genre that I love to get into any day or anytime.
  13. Cyberpunk is a very distinct example, I wouldn't think it's ever getting missed out. GTA V hopefully adds to it as, I completely agree with that.
  14. It gives you a good advantage over smaller cars in the same race at the same time.
  15. Well, I hope they don't do something like that which ends up biting them back in the ass for not making proper surveys and research to know what their fans want.
  16. I actually use the same drills on my cousins, when they don't get good grades, they are grounded for 3 weeks with no games.
  17. If Sniper 3D will offer me such shooting range, I wouldn't mind giving it a try. 1000 meters in PUBG isn't that bad.
  18. Yeah, that helps in mastering the race tracks, know the turns, the jumps and blockages. If you knew all that, it's a good added advantage.
  19. Yeah, most gamers would be happy to have an alternative way to get them. It's just a game of waiting or asking them for it to see if they will cave in.
  20. Seriously, playing sniper role is very boring for me till I get the headshot. It's the only rewarding thing in playing sniper but the wait sucks.
  21. Balance is the watch word! I wouldn't settle for less in any video games. I won't have good graphics and poor storyline and vice versa.
  22. Yeah exactly, those guns or swords definitely slows down the character and you can't drop them to run faster because they are really important to you as well but making you slow down also kills you too 😂.
  23. Do you know when the books 📚 come in handy? If you ever get grounded for two weeks with no game time, that's when you will know how good those books are.
  24. I don't even want to talk about our electricity issues here which is why most times, I don't depend on them for gaming when I never got UPS because there is no timing with the power interruption.
  25. Seriously, if I had lost a lot because of that, there would be some situations it would make me stop playing for the day to calm down from frustration.
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