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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously, it means not doing anything else for the day, even eating or taking your bath 🛀. It's not possible for me to do that.
  2. That's very hilarious but it's actually what happens with some people who are too emotional when they are playing especially with VR sets.
  3. I actually have the same deposition towards the game but I wouldn't call it an insult rather it was a bit unsatisfactory. Although, there are some people who don't have any problems with it.
  4. They actually didn't plan well as far as I'm concerned because had they been, I'm not sure they would have done a better job with the game.
  5. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is another one I would like to have a remake based on its setting. If it's made more of an open world game unlike how most of its settings was in the rainforest.
  6. Seriously, I have had so many games where the drop kills you but then again you see some games where developers do a crappy work for allowing such long drop to have no effects on the character.
  7. Did I ever got tired of playing GT for once? I don't really think that ever happened for once. It was full of fun.
  8. If you have mastered drifting, it's one sexy way of driving in corners. I do it most of the time and I really enjoy it very much.
  9. Haha, don't we have to deal with typo errors once in a while here and there. It happens to me often as well.
  10. I actually know a few people who are 100% mobile games players only. They are not into any kind of console or PC games, hell they don't even know how to use controllers for consoles. I don't really write them off as long as they are good at their mobile gaming.
  11. As far as I'm concerned, all smartphone 📱 androids break easily if you don't handle them with great care. Although I'm not sure if some screens are stronger than others.
  12. There is power in the brand is all I could think of with the case of Samsung and other products.
  13. Seriously, I have had few encounters with LA people and my God they are really aggressive even on social media as well.
  14. Do you know I actually learnt how to drive in real life from just playing racing games? I just took car keys one day and off I went with the car. Till date I never crashed any ride.
  15. Seriously, I find it very difficult to drop video games that I have dotted on. It feels like something bad has happened to me.
  16. I actually know someone who didn't get to upgrade to Playstation 2 for the reason that he's kind of old school.
  17. Haha, there were times when I had to sneak out of school before we dismissed by 2pm only to rush home with my best friend Tony to play 😂.
  18. For the record, I have never for once pre-ordered any games whatsoever and I'm not I would ever fall for that crap.
  19. Well, as far as I'm concerned, I'm pretty sure they will most likely sell well in the market because I know pretty good number of people who are Samsung products addicts.
  20. Seriously, they are indeed overpriced no matter what anyone says. The last ear buds I wanted to get was so damn expensive that I had to drop it.
  21. Seriously, it's very cool game and I'm absolutely sure that you will definitely love it. On PS 4 it's a great experience.
  22. Contra Force is definitely a very old one which was absolutely fun back in the day. I don't think I passed a day without playing it then.
  23. Getting discounts are definitely a thing for most people who know how to wait it out. I have taken a few of them which feels good.
  24. I actually had plans to play those games back in the days when men were boys but I never got to and it's highly unlikely that it would happen again.
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