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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. If something adds happiness into your life, it is adding a good value to your life which sums it up how your life should pan out but that's if gaming makes the person happy.
  2. Seriously, a lot of gamers have dumped so many games that are supposed to be great all because of bugs and glitches.
  3. When they don't do things that are more important, they are bound to get caught up in between and suffer the consequences.
  4. Contra and Castlevania 2 are my favorite get to go 2D games back them. They were pretty good games at the time because it was what's trending those period.
  5. There is no way it's going to be possible to play them all and on that note, I did missed out on playing Quake Champions and I don't really consider it a much loss.
  6. I was never able to complete Ninja Gaiden II even at the normal difficult level. Once I hit the master Ninja, death is all but certain for me because they attack relentlessly to the point of paranoia.
  7. If you played a lot, there is no way you wouldn't have experienced that on more than just one occasion. It's a very common thing to happen and it's quite annoying to say the least.
  8. I really love the character of Tony Stark in The Iron Man. He's so intelligent and got huge guts not minding he's just a man with lots of tech support power.
  9. They are definitely not going to listen to gamers wishes and offer them a way out. I doubt such would ever become a reality.
  10. Seriously, it was a very big leg down in the previous Mass Effect and it was still shocking they didn't fix it in ME3. The game really had a lot of issues such as limited field of view and that really made it such big time.
  11. The main reason why I'm very open to walking rather than running in games is to fully immerse myself with the game environment. I feel like I miss a lot of things when I run instead of walking.
  12. The posters actually gets you to see what the Riddler looks like in as much as you didn't see him physically, it's him in the poster. So, practically, you saw him.
  13. Seriously, the game was really a shocker for me with how it triggered my emotional side after the white phosphorus killing of innocent civilians.
  14. I would literally be on full drugs to go at any game for long 24 hours all in the name of getting an achievement, it's absolutely not possible.
  15. After playing The Witcher and watching the movies, I learnt it had a book which was The Witcher book series by Andrzej Sapkowski. I didn't waste time getting the book.
  16. I used to take a side teaching job in one of college schools in my neighborhood and I always caught my students playing games in class especially the boys while the girls are caught on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.
  17. Seriously, your level is pretty high from the ones that I have seen. My friend who started playing in 2001 was on immortal 202.
  18. This is actually something that I casually do even when there is no need for it, I seem to have a thing to be extra meticulous with every spot.
  19. It's definitely going to be Rocksmith that has over 1500 DLC's and Train Simulator 2019 with about 500 DLC's but the latter is definitely more expensive to buy.
  20. Glitches are always annoying no matter how it comes in any video games. There is nothing funny about them at all in any way.
  21. Seriously, I don't see the reason why I would be forced or compelled to quit a game as a result of what another gamer feels. It's not possible as fas as I'm concerned.
  22. This is a cold hard fact. It's very possible to get those old games and relive the experiences. The future is definitely where one needs to go to and explore.
  23. I was definitely going to point that out, but maybe he didn't really understand it properly. It can happen to anyone, probably by reading too fast.
  24. Personally, I believe that it's rigged with entertainment to begin with before any other kind of added work it may be able to do like education.
  25. I actually had it downloaded and converted to Mp3, just to be able to play it on my playlist whenever I'm in the mood for the song because it's really a cool one.
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