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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Having to watch the death of Noctis in Final Fantasy XV, it definitely had a lot of impact on me in understanding the importance of sacrifice for the greater good.
  2. I would even sleep off when the television ๐Ÿ“บ set is on with the who room lights on, it never really bothered me at all. Hell, I have even fall asleep while playing games ๐Ÿ˜‚.
  3. Seriously, there are so many philosophy attached to BioShock games genre. Some of them are; BioShock โ€“ Individualism /Objectivism BioShock 2 โ€“ Utilitarianism /Collectivism Philosophy.
  4. That's definitely going to be a good add up section for the forum because such issues exists for gamers on more than one occasion and it's paramount there should be a sub section to discuss about it all.
  5. It's pretty obvious that they are so hooked up on the money ๐Ÿ’ต they make from these games that they are blinded to offering what we clamor for.
  6. Personally, there is no link up with the life I lead to what I do in video games. They are two different lines of reality for me and can never be used to compare each other.
  7. If they are to listen to their fan base more, they will most likely be well informed about what the fans are looking up to seeing in the remake.
  8. Yeah, if the graphics in NASCAR '99 is to be improved a bit more, it's definitely going to make it a good rival to other racing games.
  9. You are actually right to an extent because those devs haven't really been 100% honest with what they say about games always.
  10. Yeah, mobile games is a get-go for most students in school lately because it's something that they can easily play anywhere they want, both inside and outside the classroom.
  11. Seriously, Grand Turismo 4 is a racing ๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿ game that I'm sure anyone who's addicted to racing games would ever forget so easily.
  12. Typically most people who didn't upgrade to Playstation 2 but stayed with their PS 1 would never really understand what we are talking about on this subject.
  13. NO MANโ€™S SKY is definitely something that I'm really itching hard to play. I have read so much about the game, being that it's more than just an open world game.
  14. Why would I turn it off? If you want to have the real experience of the game like in reality, it's supposed to be on in order to know exactly how to make your shoot and dodge bullets too.
  15. I have never experienced any kind of bans whatsoever as far as my online gaming experience is concerned because I try as much as possible to avoid it because I wouldn't like to lose my achievements due to ban.
  16. He may actually not be that good or he doesn't really know how to do it but got good moves in fights. It's only showing him how it's done that will open his eyes.
  17. Seriously, this is something that I completely agree with because it's very important that they carry the old console along with the newly released one in order not to pull the plug on it immediately and mark it death.
  18. Horror and creepy setting does it for me. It's actually the main reason I got so hooked up with a lot of horror and survival games.
  19. Well, there are definitely some situations where my own expectations are too high and on that note, the developers are not at fault here.
  20. Personally, I decide based on the importance of the quest at hand. Once it's very important to take on such quest, I'm going at it first before any other thing.
  21. Till date, I don't really know if I have seen anyone who owned Playstation 2 console that never loved it especially with the games it came with.
  22. Seriously, I know it's just content write up but I'm definitely not going to agree to answer anything on if I'm dying within the year or in a year ๐Ÿ™„.
  23. As far as I'm concerned, art and entertainment are the same thing or should I say they are intertwined because you can't get one without the other one as well.
  24. This is absolutely nothing but hilarious. How can the shooter miss from head point shoot? I would throw the game away just like it happened in the clip ๐Ÿ˜‚.
  25. I'm not really surprised with what happened to your friend because it's something that is very common whenever there is a rush for such consoles, especially when it's a new release.
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