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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Personally, I really love that as it's a very good innovation from the developers. They are always looking for ways to make sure gamers enjoy their money and have great gaming experience.
  2. Seriously, there is no justification for what the young did no matter how much anyone tries to understand his reasons.
  3. If my memory serves me correctly, I think that I played Battlefield Vietnam 🇻🇳 7 years ago and it's actually a very good first person shooting video game.
  4. Yeah, it does have a book 📙 and it's an interesting read from my angle of view when I read it last year.
  5. "Ghost of Tsushima" I'm definitely going to check that out when I finally get to purchase Playstation 5.
  6. Well, once they are released and duly as well as fully functional, it may break into the market if care isn't taken.
  7. If the devices are worth the prices being called after the customers have evaluated the products, they may most likely purchase it.
  8. I don't really rate both of them to be basically the same thing in cost. Technically, the prices of Samsung are high but iOS is higher.
  9. Seriously, I'm not sure if I have ever completed any race 🏎 without crashing in one way or another.
  10. Wow, that's a long stretch but the most important thing is that you are able to speak and write it now, and I believe it makes everything easy for you.
  11. And to be very honest with you, it's simply because your grades were good that they were to allow you play.
  12. You definitely have the reason to take the game GT very seriously. Personally, I would do the same thing too in that situation.
  13. 500-600 meters range is a good one. Not all snipers can take out a target that far. I'm looking at taking out a target at least 2000-3000 meters away.
  14. You have a point which I agree on that the game isn't only about stealing cars but it sure got a good deal with car stealing and it's most likely the reason for the name.
  15. If it's that hard for you, I'm sure you can get video tips from YouTube on those that have completed it and learn the tricks they used.
  16. Heatman


    Yeah it was exactly what I was trying to say mate. I played it on my SEGA console years ago and it was fun.
  17. Seriously, I got good reasons to believe that it's one of the biggest challenges most people face with the game which makes them to quit playing it.
  18. Heatman

    iPhone 6 games?

    It's very possible that they may eventually even scrap making of the iPhone 6 because it would look so odd and people won't buy it.
  19. Heatman

    Strife MOBA

    It's actually one of the game genre that I really enjoy playing always. I think that I'm drawn more to game of violence than that of romance.
  20. Heatman

    Smite MOBA

    Most times, I play them for playing sake only, to have the experience and definitely not for fun because I don't find easy games fun.
  21. Yes, it's very obvious they are improving on the game Mobile Legends because I'm sure that their players are asking for more with the graphics.
  22. Then it's settled up already. I'm going to get it before the year runs out, at least by then I will be done with the ones I'm playing currently.
  23. You are definitely looking for someone to kill right 😂. This is so hilarious to say the least.
  24. They really rambled a lot because of how long the Final Fantasy series was. Sometimes I feel like it become too much more than they can handle.
  25. What may the main reason why you would recommend that one who feels like that shouldn't play games?
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