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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. If you are looking for the best way to clip your opponents in shooting games, it's the best strategy as they run into the bullet while trying to run away.
  2. Most times I hate it when I play against noobs because they kind of make me not get my A game on because they are too easy to deal with.
  3. Seriously, I really enjoyed the game back then and I might be open to playing it again if I had the opportunity for it.
  4. Actually it's a good one in way because it's far more better to have the cartilage round always loaded full than run out of bullets when you needed it the most.
  5. Actually it's a good one in way because it's far more better to have the cartilage round always loaded full than run out of bullets when you needed it the most.
  6. Does the characters comes before the story? I think there should be a story that a character will get into once it's developed.
  7. I'm thinking about getting into Dragon Age: Inquisition which my brother is fully addicted to. It looks like a good game.
  8. Before you obviously had it replaced with GT 😂 or you still play both of them simultaneously?
  9. Yeah right, and I'm sure it's part of the reason why you simply can't get enough of it. Your affection and addiction for it is very close to my brother's with Dragon Age: Inquisition.
  10. Yeah, seriously it looks very cool as well sophisticated at the same time. But I bet the only challenge some people might have would be to cost of it.
  11. Demon's Souls remake is one great masterpiece when it comes to best action game RPGs for me. I did played the Demon's Souls first release as well.
  12. Bugs and glitches are what kills most gamers interested in such games no matter how good the games appeared to be in the beginning.
  13. It's my only gaming console that I never gave away after I got an upgrade. Given away my Playstation 1, and 3 but still with my 1 and 4.
  14. Haha, it's actually the essence of having someone will to get the talk rolling no matter what. I have seen some forum where members lack the chit chat on the forum discussion and it's a bit of a bore. Personally, I talk gaming all day long as long as I'm disposed to do it.
  15. Alright my friend, as far as you're healthy, it's what matters most. As for your gaming disposition currently, I'm quite sure that it's something that is going to change sooner or later. You will get back to it one way or another.
  16. Seriously, I got absolutely nothing to say to him, not even a damn word. It's a free world and he's free to type whatever he wants with his device.
  17. More like Need for Speed. It's my favorite racing game genre and I find it very hard to switch it for another racing game.
  18. Mortal Kombat 11 is it for me. It's not that there aren't shooting combat games to mention which I really loved like The Division 2 but MK11 is my choice here.
  19. Seriously, I don't really see anything wrong with it and why it should bother anyone with the cutscenes. It's something that's important as far as I'm concerned.
  20. Fall of the Colossus is a very good one for me. It literally had everything well plotted out in such a way it was very enjoyable.
  21. Frostpunk is definitely a good one for me. It sets in a frozen city with a lot of ice where survival is very difficult as you have to struggle with everything in order to survive in the city.
  22. The main reason why I get into playing games is for relaxation purposes, so it definitely helps me to calm down, ease off pressure and make me feel better as well happier.
  23. I haven't played it yet but it sure do looks like something that's going to be very interesting. I will most likely check it and update you later when I get the chance to play.
  24. There are so many best open world games that I can recommend such as Trove, The Witcher 3, Far Cry 5, RDR2, Batman : Arkham Knight, and Metal Gear Solid 5 : The Phantom Pain.
  25. Seriously, this is my first time of seeing or hearing about such a game. I haven't played it either but I don't really think it's a cool thing for starters.
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