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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously, that's exactly my thoughts as well because there's no way what's required of them to do would take so much time that's more than 1 to 2 minutes in most cases. It's pure negligence.
  2. There was a lot critics with regards to the use of Facebook account for this which makes me think that they didn't actually conduct enough research to know the best channel to have used.
  3. Okay, you probably didn't know much about the job before getting into it is the only thing I can be able to process from what you said.
  4. I'm quite sure that it's something that you're definitely going to love when you do get the time to get it played.
  5. Yeah sure thing. I'm thinking about playing Resident Evil Village in a couple of hours when I should be home. Do you have any gaming plans this moment?
  6. It's not surprising to me that you know your mom very well because you got to be very close to her. You could have appealed to her to let you.
  7. As long as you still have his contact, you can easily reach out to him and get the Need for Speed back and play it for fun the way you do with GT.
  8. Alright, the most important thing is that the games GT6 really did a great job in helping with your recovery.
  9. Did you say shelf stocking jobs? I don't really grasp the relationship between that and gaming to be very honest with you.
  10. Overworked or that they don't really care about such stuffs in most cases because I believe the latter is the case with most American parents.
  11. Yes exactly, for a fact I have known your favorite when it comes to most preferred video games and it's actually a very good selection just like Need for Speed.
  12. As long as it works out for you, it's a good treat in the end. Happy recovering from your sick bed.
  13. I believe that it's something that is very interesting especially if it works out for you in the end because not all endeavors goes according to plan.
  14. Basically, it's down to what the parents choose to do or not do when it comes helping or not helping the rating system be effective.
  15. As long as it's something that you're very comfortable with playing in such health situations, it's most likely going to be very good for you in the end.
  16. It's definitely a game genre that you simply can't do without no matter how much you tried. It's the same deal with me and Final Fantasy.
  17. So, you would be literally playing for the soundtrack and not what the gameplay offers in general? I don't really think I can do that at all.
  18. Sometimes, I wonder if there is any advantages to getting addicted to any kind of video game to begin with? Although, those who are into it as a job might reason otherwise.
  19. As far as I'm concerned, a bad game is a bad, there is no absolutely no good in it no matter what anyone try to sell you. It's why in most cases, I go with recommendations.
  20. Simply put, you are not looking at getting the hooked up with VR in such a way that it's going to be very difficult for you to let go when you want to.
  21. Although, there some people who don't really have any issues with the map in RDR2. Take for instance, my kid brother doesn't get bothered by it at all.
  22. Seriously, that totally sucks because it makes using the map a very tedious task when it's supposed to make it an easy job for you.
  23. It's obviously your favorite game and there is no chance in hell it's going to get old in your eyes 👀 as long as you still play it.
  24. Seriously, that's begs the question and I do get that because as far as I'm concerned, there isn't any need to fuss about the rating system at least for now
  25. Better only say it in your mind and not out loud because you wouldn't hear the end of what's going to happen to you if you do. She's going to literally nag your head off.
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