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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously, it's just what we get now with what gaming companies do right now. It's simply all about the money now.
  2. It's definitely not going to fun in any racing game because the rate of crashes is definitely going to be very high for you.
  3. Yeah, it's a very good one. I know it because I also got it as well and been enjoying it ever since.
  4. Seriously, this was a very horrible scene, as I couldn't watch it more than once and never tried again to see it through. It really sucks.
  5. It's definitely going to be the death of Superman and his resurrection. I kind of really looked forward to seeing it happen.
  6. Seriously, that's definitely going to be something worth seeing looking at how the initial plot took shape.
  7. It's very simple because I actually know where I used to get such spoiler updates about games, so I try as much as possible to stay away from those sources.
  8. Seriously, it totally sucks for me in most cases especially when it makes it difficult to play the game. I do quit such games in a heartbeat.
  9. Seriously, I can't really recall such a game. Personally, a game of romance isn't something I'm really into.
  10. Personally, I see games as a thing of fiction and it's not real, so it shouldn't have any serious impact on my real life prescriptive.
  11. Seriously, those photos are really well made in such a way you wouldn't know it's from a game. I'm thinking of getting one for my gaming room as a wallpaper.
  12. Please come here let's hug 🤗 it out because we don't have any experience with LAN party 😂.
  13. Why is it that most gamers are so intrigued about Japan 🇯🇵? It's almost where any gamer would like to go for a tour and myself included.
  14. Haha, this is so funny but quite spot on because the time I invested in playing video games would definitely have given me a lot more books 📚 read.
  15. I was wondering if it would be anytime soon because it looks like something we would be thrilled to have here already.
  16. I believe PC game version are always sweet and it's not everyone that knows how to play on PC but once you do, it's very fun.
  17. I never got used to playing Sudoku because it's kind of a boring game for me. I did played it a few times and dumped it.
  18. Exactly, let's see how it goes since there isn't any fixed up date yet but I really do believe that it's going to be better than the old ones.
  19. It's definitely going to be Wolfstride if you ever missed it, it's something that I believe that you should get to see.
  20. Personally, I don't really think that I would be making any pre-order for any game ever because it's not something that I'm used to or open to doing.
  21. It's definitely going to be A Plauge Tale Requiem for me. Did you get to watch the game trailer? It was so awesome and interesting.
  22. A Plauge Tale Requiem is one my favorite which I got so pumped about it. I think I watched the trailer more than I could remember.
  23. So, they probably didn't do much upgrade on the graphics and not like it's a downgrade. As long as they touched the graphics a little bit, it's something.
  24. Exactly, it's actually something that I feel as well but sometimes people do take some things and their feelings out of context and blow it out of proportion.
  25. Well, it depends on how many people are with such bad reviews because I'm sure there will always be critics to anything no matter how good it is.
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